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1、 硕士学位论文 (专业学位 ) 船舶排放实船测试方法研究 姓 名: 学 号: 所在院系:汽车学院 学科门类:工程 学科与业:动力工程 指导教师: 二 XX年 X 月 Study on Real World Ship Emission Test Method Candidate: Student Number: School/Department: School of Automotive Studies Discipline: EngineeringMay,2010Master Major: Power Engineering Supervisor: 同济大学 硕士学位论文 摘要 摘要 随着经

2、济的快速发展和全球化,船舶作为主要运输工具保持快速发展。与此同时,船舶带来的大气排放问题也得到了越来越多的关注。目前,我国对船舶的大气排放监管还处于起步阶段,船舶排放实船测试作为排放监控的技术基础,具有重要的研究意义。 本文基于船舶排放实船测试的特点和需求,结合对各类排放物生成机理与测试方法的研究,设计搭建了适用于我国中小型船舶的便携式船舶排放实船测试平台;基于对我国典型船舶航行特点及其主机运行特性的研究,设计了科学的实船测试工况;对上海港某典型船舶进行了实船排放试验,验证了本文所设计搭建的实船排放测试平台的实际使用效果;基于实船排放试验结果,研究了试验船舶的排放特性并建立了基于船舶主机功率与

3、航行工况分布特性的全程加权排放因子计算方法。得出的主要结论有: (1) 设计了适用于我国典型船舶的实船排放测试工况: (a) 对于小型船舶而言,测试工况主要包括进出港、巡航、作业、怠速停泊等日常典型工况,以及 90%、 70%、 50%和 25%主机负荷(对应转速 96%、 89%、 80%、 63%额定转速)的准稳态航行工况; (b) 对于中大型船舶而言,测试工况主要包括进出港、巡航、作业、怠速停泊等日常典型工况,以及 60%、 45%、 30%和 15%主机负荷(对应转速 84%、 77%、 67%、 53%额定转速)的准稳态航行工况。 (2) 设计搭建了便携式船舶排放实船测试平台,可测试

4、船舶航速,环境温度、压力、湿度,排气流量、温度、压力,气态物( CO、 CO2、 THC、 NOx、 SO2)瞬态排放浓度,颗粒物瞬态排放浓度,颗粒物粒径分布,以及颗粒物化学组分。 (3) 对一艘典型的内河干货运输船进行了实船排放试验,验证了本文设计的实船测试平台在实际使用效果良好。此外,基于实船试验结果研究了试验船舶的排放特性,结论如下: (a) 气态物和颗粒物瞬态排放特性:进出港时,各类排放物瞬态排放浓度出现剧烈波动,而巡航和怠速停泊时则相对稳定; (b) 颗粒物数量排放特性:颗粒数量排放主要集中在中小粒径段,随粒径大小呈双峰分布,进出港和怠速停泊时颗粒物中 PM0.1 数量占比最高,而巡

5、航时则 PM0.12.5 浓度最大,颗粒物对数数量峰值粒径分别为 40nm 和 200nm; (c) 颗粒物质量排放特性:颗粒物质量排放主要集中在大粒径段,且随粒径大小呈双峰分布,不同工况下颗粒物中 PM2.510 占比均达到 85%以上, PM0.1 占比最低,质量峰值粒径分别为 310nm 和 626nm,其中第二峰值处浓度最高,并且巡航、进港、离港和怠速停泊时第二 I Tongji University Master of Philosophy Abstract 峰值处依次上升; (d) 随主机负荷增大: CO 浓度先降低后升高,低负荷时浓度 较高; CO2 浓度迅速升高后基本保持稳定,

6、低负荷时浓度较低; THC 浓度先降 低后升高,低负荷时浓度较高; NOx 和 SO2 浓度迅速升高后缓慢上升; PM 和 PN 浓度先降低后升高; PM0.1 数量和质量占比不断降低, PM2.50.1 数量和质量占 比不断上升,同时颗粒排放集中区从小粒径段向中粒径段移动; (e) 颗粒物阴离 子和 OC/EC 排放特性:颗粒阴阳离子成分主要为 NO2-、 NO3-、 SO42-和 NH4+; 颗粒物中有机碳主要为 OC1 和 OC2,其中 OC1 占比最高而 OC4 占比最低,颗粒物中 EC2 占比最高, EC1 略高于 EC3。 (4) 基于实船试验结果,采用 3 种常规的排放因子计算方

7、法计算了试验船舶的排放因子,还研究建立了基于船舶主机功率的排放因子估算法与基于主机功率和航行工况分布特征的加权排放因子计算方法,结论如下: (a) 不同评价标准的排放因子算法各有特点,而本文建立的基于主机功率和航行工况分布的全程加权 排放 因子是最优方法,不仅可以反映不同主机在实际航行时的排放水平,还能便 捷地与排放法规进行对比以快速判断船舶排放是否超标; (b) 船舶 CO2、 SO2 及 NOx 基于主机功率的排放因子变化趋势相似,低负荷时较低而中高负荷较高; THC 和 CO 随工况的变化趋势相似,低负荷时较高而中高主机负荷时较低; PM 和 PN 排放因子在中等主机负荷时最低,而低负荷

8、与高负荷时较高。 关键词 :船舶排放;船舶柴油机;实船测试方法;排放因子 Tongji University Master of Engineering Abstract ABSTRACT With the rapid developmet and globalization of economy, shipping, as the most important mean of transportation, also keeps its fast devlopemnt. But ship emission is one of the most important sources of air

9、 pollution in the world. The affect of ship emission on environment and human helth is being paid more and more attention on all over the world. At present, China is still in the initial stage of the ship emission control, which will cause great impact on the port and coastal cities. As one of the b

10、asic technology for ship emission control, real world ship emission test is of great research significance and prospect. According to the characteristics and needs of real ship test, this paper designed and established a kind of portable emission testing platform for small and medium-sized ship, whi

11、ch was also based on the study of formation mechanism and test method of different emissions. Meanwhile, a scientific testing condition was desgined according to the study of navigation feature of the ships. A real ship emission test was operated by the portable ship emission testing platform, and t

12、he paper studied the emission characteristicsof the ship tested. The calculation formula of ship emission factor, which was based on main engine power, was also studied in this paper. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The testing condition of real ship emission test was differed by the size o

13、f the ship. (a) For small-sized ship: Real world navigation condition such as departure, cruise, arrival and berthing; different engine load conditions such as 90%, 70%, 50% and 25% (Corresponding engine speed: 96%, 89%, 80% and 63%). (b) For medium and big-sized ship: Departure, cruise, arrival and

14、 berthing mode; different engine load conditions such as 60%, 45%, 30% and 15% (Corresponding engine speed: 84%, 77%, 67% and 53%). (2) The portable emission test platform designed in this paper can test transient emission characteristics of gaseous and particulate emissions, particle size distribution and component characteristics. (3) The real world emission characteristics of a typical medium-sized inland ship was studied basing on the real ship test. (a) Transient emission characteristics of gaseous and particulate emissions: Emission fluctuated under departure and arrival III


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