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1、Channels and points,Lecturer: Li Lin,Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin,Starting place: middle energizerPertaining organ: LungConnecting organ: Large IntestineTerminating place: radial side of the tip of the thumb,upper orifice of the stomach 胃上口diaphragm 膈cubital fossa 肘窝thenar eminence 鱼际,经脉循行 灵枢经脉肺手太阴之

2、脉,起于中焦,下络大肠,还循胃口,上膈属肺,从肺系横出腋下,下循臑内,行少阴心主之前,下肘中,循臂内上骨下廉,入寸口,上鱼,循鱼际,出大指之端;其支者,从腕后直出次指内廉出其端。,体内:起于中焦,下络大肠,返循胃口,上膈属肺。 体表:从胸前壁外上方,沿上肢内侧前缘下行,止于拇指桡侧端。支脉从腕后到食指桡侧端,与手阳明大肠经相接。,Points on the Lung meridian of Hand-Taiyin,The first point of the meridian is Zhongfu (LU 1) and last one is Shaoshang (LU 11). There

3、are 11 points on each side.,Summary of indications,Throat, chest, lung diseases and conditions along the pathway of the meridian.,Coughing, asthma, distention in the chest, swelling and pain in the throat, spasm and pain in the arm, etc.,经穴歌,手太阴肺十一穴 中府云门天府列次则侠白下尺泽 又次孔最与列缺经渠太渊与鱼际 抵指少商如韭叶,本经共11个腧穴:中府、

4、云门、天府、侠白、尺泽、孔最、列缺、经渠、太渊、鱼际、少商。(重点掌握6穴),Zhongfu (LU 1)中府(肺募穴,手、足太阴经交会穴),Location:on the upper lateral chest, 6 cun lateral to旁开 the anterior midline and at the same level with the first intercostal space and 1 cun below Yunmen (LU 2)云门.Indications: Cough, asthma, distention in the chest , chest pain;

5、 upper back painNeedling method: puncture obliquely斜刺 or transversely 平刺0.50.8 cun toward the lateral side of the chest; deep perpendicular insertion toward the medial aspect is prohibited in order to avoid puncturing the lung and causing pneumothorax.,Chize (LU 5)尺泽,Location:with the elbow slightly

6、 bent, on the transverse crease 横纹of the elbow(transverse cubital crease), in the radial depression凹陷 of the tendon of the biceps muscle.Indications: Cough, asthma, coughing up blood; Sore throat, tidal fever Acute vomiting and diarrhea Infantile convulsion, heat stroke Spasm and pain in the upper a

7、rmNeedling method: puncture perpendicularly直刺 0.50.8 cun or prick to allow bleeding ( blood letting )点刺放血,Kongzui (LU 6)孔最 (郄穴),Location:in the forearm, along the line linking Taiyuan (LU9) and Chize (LU5), 7 cun above the transverse crease of the wristIndications: Cough, asthma, coughing up blood;

8、Nosebleed, swelling and pain in the throat Hemorrhoids Spasm and pain in the armNeedling method: puncture perpendicularly 0.51.0 cun,Lieque (LU 7)列缺 (络穴;八脉交会穴,通任脉),Location:on the upper edge of the styloid process of the radius桡骨茎突, 1.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist(腕横纹)Indications: C

9、ough, asthma Headache, neck stiffness, toothache, swollen and painful throat, deviated mouth and eyes “头项寻列缺” Pain in the wristNeedling method: puncture obliquely 0.20.3 cun toward the elbow,Taiyuan(LU 9)太渊 (输穴;原穴;八会穴之脉会),Location:on the radial side of the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depr

10、ession of the lateral side of the radial artery. Indications: Cough, asthma, coughing up blood, chest pain Swelling and pain in the throat Takayasus disease Pain in the wristNeedling method: puncture perpendicularly 0.20.3 cun , keep away from the radial artery.,Shaoshang (LU 9)少商 (井穴),Location:on t

11、he radial aspect of the thumb, about 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail. Indications: sore throat, nosebleed High fever, unconsciousness, psychosis急救穴之一,多用于抢救中风昏迷 Cough Numbness in the armNeedling method: puncture superficially 浅刺 0.1 cun , or prick to causing bleeding.,手太阴肺经小结,1、手太阴肺经起于中焦,下络大肠,属肺。

12、体表循行于上肢内侧手少阴和手厥阴之前,过鱼际,止于少商。支脉从列缺分出,在商阳与手阳明大肠经相连。联系脏腑、器官有肺、胃、大肠、气管、喉咙。 2、本经腧穴起于中府,止于少商,共11穴。左右对称。 3、本经主要病候以肺系疾病为主,以及上肢内侧病变。,4、特殊作用 尺泽治胃肠病, 孔最治咯血, 列缺治头项病, 太渊治无脉症, 少商治急症、热病。5、取穴要点 肘横纹肱二头肌腱桡侧取尺泽。 尺泽与太渊连线上取孔最。 桡骨茎突上方取列缺。 腕横纹桡动脉搏动处取太渊。 拇指桡侧指甲角旁取少商。,6、中府、云门不可深刺,以免伤及肺脏,造成气胸,少商治疗实热证时,用三棱针点刺出血,关节部位腧穴不宜用直接灸。,


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