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1、1课时作业(八) 必修 2 Unit 3 Computers.单项填空1(2012潍坊市教学抽样监测) This is Jackson.Can I speak to Peter?_,please.Ill see if I can find him for you.ATake your time BHold onCNever mind DLeave it alone2(2012临沂市质量检测)The only solution to_global warming is to carry out_lowcarbon economy.Athe;/ B/ ;theC/;a Dthe;the3Do yo

2、u think an advertisement is a help when you look for a job?Well,it depends._,it gives me a chance to try.AOtherwise BAnywayCSomewhat DTherefore4A completely new situation will_when the examination system comes into existence.Arise BariseCarouse Draise5(湖北高考)During the war there was a serious lack of

3、 food.It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to_bread for days.Aeat up Bgive awayCdo without Ddeal with6So hard_it to work out the problem that I decided to turn to Professor Green for the valuable advice.AI did find Bdid I findCI found Dfound I7Scientists say it may be two to five ye

4、ars_it is possible to test the medicine on human patients.Asince BafterCbefore Dwhen8English is considered as a(n)_language,and it is no surprise that there are so many people in the world learning English.Auniversal BlogicalCartificial Dregular29He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of

5、his_was seen at its best when he worked with others.Aadvantage BappearanceCqualification Dcharacter10Its wellknown that the European economic situation will get worse_.Anot if dealt carefully with Bif not carefully dealt wthCif dealt not carefully with Dnot if carefully dealt with11_time goes by,Mot

6、hers hair has turned grey and the wrinkles on her face deeper.AAs BWithCWhile DBecause12(2012日照高三调研)Dont expect to pass the driving test at your first attempt._,youve been learning to drive for only a couple of days.AAfter all BAs a resultCIn other words DIn general13(2012东北三校第一次联考) I want someone t

7、o write the composition for me.No!As a student,you_depend on yourself.Ashall BwillCcan Dmay14Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the moneymaking jobs they_before leaving their hometowns.Apromised Bwere promisedChave promised Dhave been promised15Top players must have excellent ball

8、control,but it is not just_they do with their feet_counts.Ahow;that Bthat;whatCwhat ;that Dwhether;what.阅读理解A(2012莆田质量检测)Facebook is a social network service and website that was launched in 2004.Friends,family,and coworkers use Facebook to communicate with each other.Many businesses use the site to

9、 show their products.Users can write about themselves or their companies and include pictures and videos.They can also permit everyone,or only a few people,to see their Facebook pages.3In the summer of 2010,Facebook announced that it has over 500 million active users around the world.About half of t

10、hem use the site every day.About 70 percent of all Facebook users are in countries outside the United States.Mark Zuckerberg and his friends started Facebook in 2004 when he was a second year student at Harvard University in Massachusetts.He began the project by illegally using the universitys compu

11、ter system.Harvard University charged him with breaking several laws.Mark Zuckerberg was almost forced to leave school.But the university withdrew the charges.Mark Zuckerberg was also accused of stealing other peoples ideas and using them in Facebook.He has denied (否认) the charges.Several people hav

12、e taken legal action against him.At first,only Harvard students could use Facebook.But it quickly expanded to other universities.The website was also opened to high school students.Now,anyone at least 13 years old with an email address can join.In the early days,only a small group of people managed

13、Facebook.Now it has over 1,700 workers in 12 countries.Facebook makes money by selling advertising.It has been extremely successful.The financial company SecondMarket,says Facebook is worth 41 billion dollars.A movie about the creation of Facebook,called “The Social Network”,was released in October

14、2010.1. What can we learn about Facebook?AThe minority of its users are Americans.BUsers can see anyones Facebook pages.CMore than 500 million people are using it.DIt provides social network service for Americans.2. Why was Mark Zuckerberg charged by Harvard University?AHe secretly designed illegal

15、computer programs.BHe devoted too much time working on his project.CHe stole other peoples ideas when writing his essay.DHe used the universitys computer system to start Facebook illegally.3. Which of the following can take the place of the underlined word “withdrew” in Paragraph 4?Adropped Btook aw

16、ayCheld on Drejected4. Facebook manages to make huge profits mainly by_.Aattracting users Bselling advertisingCproducing movies Dincreasing cooperationB4(2012东北三省四市联考)New media has been growing fast and influencing peoples lives in ways few things have done before.In 2010,Chinas new media industry w

17、itnessed explosive development.But with “new” comes uncertainties and challenges.The following are brief reviews on the development of Chinas new media and outlooks on its future. Microblogging (微博)Short and convenient,microblogs also experienced “a_big_bang” in China last year,with the number of mi

18、crobloggers at Chinas popular portal(门户网站 ) almost doubling in less than six months.Afterwards,the other three major web portals,including , and ,each set up their own microblogging services.With more government officials and entities (实体) registering,Chinas microblogging services are expected to p

19、lay a more important role in connecting the public and the governments in 2011.Search EnginesBaidus position in the search engine market would face fierce challenges from ,Microsofts Bing and from the Peoples Daily.Xinhua is also preparing to start its search engine together with China Mobile,a lea

20、ding company in mobile networks.Goso and Xinhua both have the advantage of providing content,while Bing has a big edge in technology and funds.They are expected to pose threats (威胁) to Baidu in 2011.Internet of ThingsIoT refers to a network of realworld objects linked by the Internet and interacting

21、 through online services.China set up its first IoT research center in Shanghai in March 2010.Within the same week,Premier Wen Jiabao stated in the annual government report that it would “accelerate the research and development,as well as application of the Internet of Things.”However,some experts s

22、ay Chinas IoT is still in an early stage,and itll take a long time for it to let the public enjoy its full functions.5. What is the text mainly about?ASome major media in China.BChinas new media and its future.CThe development of Chinas online services.DChinas earlystage IoT and its major functions.

23、6How many web portals are mentioned in Paragraph 2?ATwo. BThree.CFour. DFive.7Which of the following will be Xinhuas partner to start a search engine?ABaidu. BS.5CG. DChina Mobile.8What does the underlined part“a big bang”in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AA deafening sound. BAn explosive development.CA

24、terrible damage. DA demanding challenge.短文改错(20112012 学年度辽宁四校协作体联合考试 )Rose wanted a job.She went to many offices and she didnt like any of them.One day she saw a board in an office read:“This office needs a typist.” Rose was exciting.When Rose went to the managers office,the man was writing somethin

25、g.Rose knocked the door and the manager raised her head.“Do you need a typist?”asked Rose.“Yes!” he said.Rose clapped her hand.She couldnt help saying, “OK! How much will you pay for me every month?” The manager thought in a while and said, “I will pay you 77 dollars for the first three months.Then

26、I will pay you 30 dollars every month.” Rose smiled and answer, “Great! I will come and work here three months late.” The manager was speechless.课时作业( 八).单项填空1解析: 考查交际用语。答语意为:别挂断。我看看我能否找到他。 Take your time 慢慢来;Hold on 别挂断;Never mind 不要紧;Leave it alone 顺 其自然。答案: B2解析: 考查冠词。句意为:解决全球变暖的唯一方法是实施低碳经济。globa

27、l warming 是抽象名 词,前面不用冠词;a lowcarbon economy 中的不定冠词表示“一种” 。答案: C3解析: 句意为:你认为 当你找工作时广告对你有帮助吗?那要看情况而定。不管怎样,广告给我一个尝试的机会。anyway 无论如何,不管怎样,符合句意。答案: B4解析: 句意为:当考试制度 产生时,一种全新的情况将会出现。arise 出现,相当于appear 符合语境。 rise 升起;arouse 唤醒;raise 饲养,喂养。答案: B5解析: 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:战争期间食品严重短缺。甚至是富有的家庭数天没有面包也只能凑合度日的现象也很常见。do witho

28、ut 没有也将就;没有也行;eat up 吃光;give away 捐赠;分发 ;泄露;deal with 处理;对待;应付。答案: C6解析: 考查倒装。以“so形容词/副词”开头的句子要用部分倒装,故答案 为 B。句意为:解决这个问题实在太难了,于是我决定找格林教授寻求宝贵的建议。6答案: B7解析: 考查连词。before 引导时间状语从句。句中表示“可能过二至五年才有可能” 。答案: C8解析: 考查形容词辨析。句意为:英语被认为是世界通用语言,所以有如此多的人学习英语就不足为奇了。universal 普遍的,通用的。logical 合情理的,合逻辑的;artificial 人造的;r

29、egular 规则 的,常规的。答案: A9解析: 考查名词词义辨析。句意为:他证明了自己是一个真正的绅士,他的人格魅力在与他人合作时表现得最佳。 advantage 优点,长处;appearance 外表,外貌; qualification 资格;character 品 质,性格。答案: D10解析: 考查省略。该状语从句的完整形式是:if it is not carefully dealt with。答案: B11解析: 考查连词。As time goes by 意为“随着时间的流逝” 。若用 with,要将 goes改为 going。 答案: A12解析: 考查短语辨析。句意为:别指望第

30、一次就通过驾照考试,毕竟,你学习驾驶才几天时间。after all 毕竟;as a result 作为的结果;in other words 换而言之;in general 通常。答案: A13解析: 考查情态动词。shall 用于主语是第二人称和第三人称的陈述句中表示允诺和警告。此处表示警告:作为一名学生,你“必须”依靠你自己。答案: A14解析: promise 和 they 之间为动宾关系,而且 发生在 农民工来深圳找工作之前,故用现在完成时的被动式。答案: D15解析: 句意为:顶级运 动员必须有很好的控球能力,但是重要的不仅仅是他们的脚上功夫。第一空引导主语从句,应用 what 作 d

31、o 的宾语。整个句式实际上是一个强调句,强调主语从句,故后一空选 that。答案: C.阅读理解语篇解读: 本文介绍了知名的社交网站 Facebook(脸谱网 )的历史。1解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句可知,脸谱网站的用户中只有一小部7分是美国人。答案: A2解析: 细节理解题。根据文章的第四段可知,Mark Zuckerberg 在哈佛大学上二年级期间,非法使用学校的电脑 系统创立了脸谱网站,因而他被学校指控。答案: D3解析: 词义猜测题。根据文章第四段内容可知,Mark Zuckerberg 遭到大学的指控,几乎被迫退学,但是哈佛大学后来撤诉了。短 语 withdrew the

32、 charge(撤诉)中的动词 withdrew可用 dropped 替 换。答案: A4解析: 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,脸谱网主要通过卖广告获得丰厚的利润。答案: B语篇解读: 本文简要介绍了中国一些新媒体的发展历程,如微博等,并展望了其未来的发展。5解析: 细节推断题。根据第一段中最后一句“The following are brief reviews on the development of Chinas new media and outlooks on its future.”可知 B 项正确。答案: B6解析: 细节理解题。根据“Microblogging (微博)

33、”这个小标题下的描述,第一个提到了 ;接着根据第二句话中“Afterwards ,the other three major web portals,including , and ,each set up their own microblogging services.”可推断一共谈到了 4 个,故 C 项正确。答案: C7解析: 细节推断题。根据标题“Search Engines”下的第二句“Xinhua is also preparing to start its search engine together with China Mobile,a leading company in

34、 mobile networks.”可知 D 项正确。答案: D8解析: 词义推测题。根据标题“Microblogging (微博 )”下的第一句中的“with the number of microbloggers at Chinas popular portal (门户网站) almost doubling in less than six months”可知 B 项正确。答案: B.短文改错Rose wanted a job.She went to many offices she didnt like any of them.One day she saw andbuta board

35、 in an office : “This office needs a typist.” Rose was .When Rose went readreading exciting excited8to the managers office,the man was writing something.Rose knocked the door and the atmanager raised head.“Do you need a typist?”asked Rose.“Yes!” he said.Rose clapped herhisher .She couldnt help sayin

36、g, “OK! How much will you pay for me every month?” handhandsThe manager thought a while and said, “I will pay you 77 dollars for the first three informonths.Then I will pay you 30 dollars every month.” Rose smiled and, “Great! I will come and work here three months .” The manager was answeranswered late laterspeechless.


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