1、Scientific paper reading and term project report Analysis and applications of remote sensing imageryInstructor: Dr. Cheng-Chien LiuDepartment of Earth SciencesNational Cheng Kung UniversityLast updated: 24 September 2018,Chapter,Term projects,IKONOS imagery for resource management: Tree cover, imper
2、vious surfaces, and riparian buffer analyses in the mid-Atlantic region (郭幸福)遙測與GIS結合應用於水稻田辨識 (蕭雅竹)能高山地區地質環境之遙測研究(張維恕)應用遙測於台北都會區綠地環境變遷分析(劉晃丞)利用Landsat TM資料以Mahalanobis影像分類法分析德基水庫之藻華現象(劉晉欽)以色彩資訊協助影像特徵之萃取(陶百群),Term projects (cont.),森林植被與地形因子對TM光譜資訊影響之研究(鍾惠玲)應用EROS與SPOT衛星影像進行高解析自然影像合成(吳秉輯)以色彩資訊協助影像特徵之萃
3、取(吳教安)(唐昭榮)SPOT影像與航照資料應用於崩塌地辨識之探討(呂典翰)遙測資訊在生態環境變遷監測上應用之研究-以台南地區為例(王世欽)遙測技術應用於臺灣西海岸五十年來變遷分析(何宗浩)應用衛星資料推求水線位置之研究(李奇峰),Requirements,A Power point file + a clear explanation + a well-practiced presentation (50%)We are all referee!Draw a lotA short essay (50%)Extend (not copy) previous worksFour to six p
4、ages of main text (A4 size)Figures and tables can be as many as you like to haveContentIntroductionMethod/Model/dataResultsDiscussion,Introduction,Establishing SignificanceSupplying Background InformationGeneral Description of Problem AreaDefining Title Terminology / Key Words,Introduction (cont.),P
5、revious and/or Current ResearchGap / Question / ProblemScope and/or PurposeStructureAnnouncement of Findings,Method/Model/data,Introductory SentenceGeneral ParametersRestate PurposesBackground InformationGive Specific DetailsBackground Facts and Information Validation,Method/Model/data (cont.),Justi
6、ficationSignificant InnovationDeparture from Previous ResearchValidate the ChoicesReference / Comparison to Previous ResearchPreempt Reader Reponses to Problems in the DatasetReport on the Statistical MethodMention the Results,Result,Introductory SentenceAims of ResearchRestate the ProblemRecapitula
7、tion of MethodsRecapitulation of P / ALocating the ResultsStating / Evaluating the Results ObjectivelyStating / Evaluating the Results Subjectively,Result (cont.),Background InformationReference to Research / Assumptions / PredictionsGeneralizing the Results - Tentative HypothesisProblems,Discussion,Reminder SentenceKey / Significant / Supporting ResultsHypothesis / Explanation of ResultsMappingAchievement / ContributionLimitations / Future ResearchApplications,