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1、 经济学家 读译参考 Translated & Edited by Chen JilongPage 1 of 5新东方在线考研资料免费下载中心精华资料推荐: 研途研语2012 年考研电子期刊免费下载考研英语【考研英语词汇】 绝对精华:新东方考研 734 个必备词组考研英语核心词汇 1800 例句版【考研英语阅读】历年考研阅读中的难句翻译参考考研英语真题解析阅读【考研英语翻译】唐静:考研翻译冲刺必背单词英汉版【考研英语写作】 考研写作基础版必备范文 20 篇考研短文万能模板考研政治【考研政治综合】 2011 考研政治答题万能模板【考研政治毛中特】毛泽东思想概论选择题及答案精选【考研政治马政经】

2、哲学易错提示及 17 大重要考点汇编【考研政治近代史】中国近现代史纲要复习重点汇总考研数学【考研线性代数】尤承业:考研数学线代冲刺阶段重难点归纳新东方考研数学线代复习计划大全【考研高等数学】新东方在线高数部分知识点总结及例题解析2012 考研数学:高等数学各部分常见的题型汇总【考研概率统计】新东方概率论与数理统计复习指导资料下载2011 年新东方考研数学概率论精选复习资料考研专业课【历史学专业课】新东方在线历史学备考指导手册【心理学专业课】新东方在线考研心理学专业课备考指导【教育学专业课】新东方在线考研教育学备考指导手册【法硕学专业课】新东方在线考研法硕备考指导手册【计算机专业课】新东方在线考

3、研计算机备考指导手册经济学家 读译参考 Translated & Edited by Chen JilongPage 2 of 5TEXT 11 A calibrated provocationMar 2nd 2006 | BEIJINGFrom The Economist print editionBut China has not fallen into the trap.(1)IN THE elaborate fiction1 that governs relations across the Taiwan Strait, there exists in Taiwan a body ca

4、lled the National Unification Council, whose notional aim is to advise the president on how the island and the mainland are to u_, an aim which China and Taiwan notionally share. The body has been inactive for six years. But when President Chen Shui-bian appeared to scrap it this week, he caused ang

5、er in China, and worry in America. Mr Chen has been weakened by scandals in his party but has two years l_ in office. Appealing to Taiwanese nationalism is one way to rally support. Hence the appeal of scrapping a body that is supposed to advise him on unification. But Mr Chen does not want to provo

6、ke China into a military response. So (2)his decision was judiciously worded. The council, he said, had “ceased to f_” and its guidelines had “ceased to apply”. This phrasing suggests the possibility of a future revival. The careful wording was also partly intended to pacify America, which has been

7、trying to persuade Mr Chen not to rock the boat1 since late January, when he signalled his intention to take this step. A spokesman for the State Department said America would “continue to hold President Chen by his commitments not to take unilateral moves”. He also said it was Americas understandin

8、g that Mr Chen had not formally a_ the council. (3)For all its fulminations, however, China does not seem keen to escalate this particular dispute. President Hu Jintao accused Mr Chen of taking a “dangerous step” towards i_. But officials have not threatened to invoke3 an anti-s_ law passed by China

9、s legislature a year ago. That authorised military action against Taiwan in the event of (4)undefined “major incidents” entailing4 the islands independence from China. The law has been described by Taiwanese officials as a threat to the s_ quo and, indeed, a primary justification for Mr Chens decisi

10、on. A bigger worry for Chinese leaders is that Mr Chen might renege on5 other pledges not to amend the islands constitution. He may suggest that China is a separate country. W_, he may change Taiwans official name (the Republic of China). China does not officially accept this name for Taiwan, but mu

11、ch prefers it to the Republic of Taiwan. Given the distinct possibility that the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) will reclaim Taiwans presidency in 2008, Mr Chen might (5)feel tempted to risk a dramatic gesture6 in order to rally support for his party. But as Mr Chen noted this week, any constitutional

12、reform would, under rules introduced last year, require approval by three-quarters of the legislature as w_ as a referendum. With the KMT and its supporterswho favour keeping on good terms with China and keeping the councilcontrolling a majority of parliaments seats, this would make it hard to intro

13、duce an amendment China strongly disliked. Mr Chen wants a constitutional referendum next year, but has not so far proposed any changes that would rile7 the Chinese. 经济学家 读译参考 Translated & Edited by Chen JilongPage 3 of 5(6)An escalation of rhetoric can be expected in the next few days as Chinas leg

14、islature holds its annual meeting, starting on March 6th. Nationalistic outbursts from the Communist Party-picked delegates have become part of the ritual. Unlike the meeting last year at which the anti-secession law was adopted, the focus of this years agenda will be domestic: in particular a new f

15、ive-year economic plan which is aimed at reducing a growing g_ between rich and poor. But just to be sure that Taiwan stays in line, the meeting will surely engage in another of its annual rituals, a hefty increase in military spending. NOTES:(参考书: 朗文现代英汉双解词典 )1fiction n.杜撰;虚构;幻象: His account of the

16、 crime was a complete fiction.他所讲述的那件罪行完全是虚构的。2rock the boat 从中捣乱,使事情恶化:The leader of the party asked Tony not to rock the boat until after the election.党的领袖要别在选举前提出异议,免令情况恶化。3invoke vt.使生效,援用:to invoke the powers of the law to present a crime.借助法律力量防止罪案4entail:.vt. 承担,伴随,需要(施加或要求使成为必要的附属物或结果)an inv

17、estment that entailed high risk.一项需承担高风险的投资5renege:v.(on)背心,违约: You said youd comeyou cant renege now!你说过要来你现在不能失信。6gesture n.表达,姿态: Some countries give rare animals to important foreign visitors as a gesture of friendship.有些国家把稀有动物送给重要的外宾以示友好。7rile vt.恼怒,激怒热火: It riles me when he wont stop whistlin

18、g.他不停地吹口哨,把我给惹火了。参考译文精准的挑衅 但是中国大陆并没有上当。 左右台湾海峡两岸关系的因素非常复杂,但又虚无缥缈,其中在台湾有一个名叫“国家统一委员会”的机构,其意图旨在就如何实现台岛和大陆的统一向“总统”建言献策,而从理论上讲,实现统一也是北京和台湾的共同意图。六年来,该机构一直无所作为。不过,当陈水扁“总统”本周宣布将其废止之际,北京感到大为恼怒,美国方面也是忧心忡忡。 陈水扁因其党内丑闻而渐次式微,可他还有两年任期。拿台湾人的民族独立主义作文章,是一种赢取民众支持的办法,所以陈水扁才谋求废止这一被认为是劝其统一的机构。不过,陈水扁不希望激惹北京动武,因此宣布决定时很讲究措

19、辞。他说,国统会已“终止运作” ,其纲领已“终止适用” 。这种说法暗示了将来重新恢复国统会的可能性。 从一定程度上看,措辞谨慎也是为了让美国放心。自从一月底发现陈水扁有意采取行动以来,美国一直试图说服陈水扁避免让事态恶化。美国务院一位发言人说,美国会“继续敦促陈水扁信守不采取单边行动的承诺” 。他还说,美国已经了解到陈水扁并未正式废除国统会。 然而,北京尽管对此举进行了严词指责,但它似乎并不急于让这一特殊的矛盾升级。胡锦涛主席指责陈水扁朝台独又迈入了“危险的一步” ,但是官方并没有威胁要援用一年前中国立法机关制定的反国家分经济学家 读译参考 Translated & Edited by Che

20、n JilongPage 4 of 5裂法 。该法规定,一旦发生将会导致台湾从中国分裂出去的“重大事变” ,国家有权采取武力行动。台湾官方认为,此项法律是对台海现状的威胁,而且事实上也成为陈水扁此举的主要托词。 令北京领导人感到更为担忧的是,陈水扁可能违背不修改台湾宪法的其他承诺,他也许会说中国是一个分裂的国家,更糟糕的是他说不定会更改台湾的官方名称(中华民国) 。北京虽未正式承认台湾是“中华民国” ,但比起“台湾共和国” ,它宁愿承认前者。若反对党国民党 2008 年执政台湾确有可能,陈水扁为了赢得民众对本党的支持,就会不惜冒险采取激烈手段。 不过正如陈水扁本周所强调,按照去年通过的规定要求

21、,任何宪法改革都需要立法会四分之三的委员和全民投票同意。由于国民党及其支持者他们赞同与北京保持良好关系和维持国统会在“议会”中占大多数席位,北京坚决反对的宪改很难得以实施。陈水扁是想在明年举行一次宪法公投,但是目前还不会改变现状,免得惹恼北京。 在接下来的几天里,随着 3 月 6 日中国立法机关年会的召开,北京在措辞方面将进一步严厉。在这一例会中,中共遴选的会议代表必然会发出一些爱国主义呼声。不同于去年那次通过反分裂国家法的会议,此次会议议程的重点在国内,尤其是旨在缩小日益拉大的贫富差距的新五年经济规划。不过,为确保台湾不会捣乱,此次会议肯定会遵照另一惯例,继续加大国防投入。填空答案unite

22、 统一 left 剩下 function 运转abolished 废除,阿扁玩的就是废除和终止的文字游戏independence 独立,阿扁痴心妄想secession 坚决反对分裂祖国status 与 quo 一起,现状Worse 更为糟糕的是well as well as也gap 鸿沟,这里说的是贫富差距新东方网络课堂考研辅导无敌舰队选择新东方网络课堂的四大理由:1、超强师资 2、无限畅学 3、全程辅导 4、协议保过一、超强师资考研辅导无敌舰队三大航母舰队公共课超强师资团队英语:“新东方银河战舰号航母”群星闪耀 (范猛、刘一男、唐静、王江涛、张销民、宋平明、赵建坤、印建坤、姜丽荣)新东方集团

23、十大考研名师+英语阅卷组组长 分项授课政治:“任汝芬泰山号航母” 绝对权威 (任汝芬、汪云生、陆象山、刘儒、包仁)任汝芬团队+大纲解析配套 1600 题主编汪云生教授+人大包仁教授数学:“姚孟臣北斗号航母” 经验丰富 (姚孟臣、汪 诚义、尤承 业)北京大学北京理工大学数学系教授团队经济学家 读译参考 Translated & Edited by Chen JilongPage 5 of 5六大战列舰队专业课权威名师团队统考专业课教育学:北京师范大学刘宝存等教授团队 心理学:北京师范大学沃建中等教授团队历史学:中国人民大学何黎萍教授团队 法硕: 中国政法大学李方晓等教授团队 计算机:北航、北邮等

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