2015秋牛津译林版英语九上Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Reading)word导学案.doc

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2015秋牛津译林版英语九上Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Reading)word导学案.doc_第1页
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2015秋牛津译林版英语九上Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Reading)word导学案.doc_第2页
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1、Reading 【学习目标】 1.了解如何写问题和表达情感。 2.请求建议。 3.认知并了解关于问题的词汇。 4.掌握下列词句: 1) deal with, have no choice but to do sth,etc. 2) stay up, be awake=stay awake 3) be worth doing sth 4) achieve a balance between and 【自主学习】 1.听录音,读、划、背本课生词及重点语句。 (P142,22-25) 选择_醒着的_ 怀疑_ 建议_原因_ 严格_ 宝贵的_几乎不想象熬夜 对某人要求严格情绪品质放松的 智慧力量嫉妒平静

2、的 2.听、读、译 P36-37(15 分钟) 自学情况反馈(家长签字) 【质疑拓展】 1.宾语从句 1)概念:由一个句子来充当宾语,这个句子就叫宾语从句。宾语从句可由 that 引导,that 也可省略。 2)找出课文中含义宾语从句的句子,共 4 句并翻译。 2.be worth doingsth. 3.achieve a balance between and 4.get into trouble_ 5.be strict with sb_ Questions What problem does Millie have? Why does Millie accept to do so mu

3、ch work although she does not want to? What do you think of her problem? Can you offer her some advice? What problem does Simon have? What do you think of Simons problem? Can you offer him some advice? 【当堂检测】 翻译词组: 1)颜色的力量_ 2)影响/改变某人的情绪_ 3)在某人结婚那天_ 4)feel blue_ 5)the colour of purity/wisdom/envy/hea

4、t_ 6)更喜欢暖色_ 7)使振作起来_ 8)使- 想起- _ 9)希望成功_ 10)energetic colours_ 11)green with envy_ 12)represent power_ 13)需要力量_ 14)做某事费劲_ 15)采取行动_ 16)做决定_ 17)感到放松_ 18)造成一种温暖舒适的感觉_ 19)或者- 或者 -_ 20)平静下来_ 【评价反馈】 个人得分 小组得分 自我评价(目标达成情况或记录还未掌握的内容) 【课后作业】 1.听录音,读背 P36-P37 课文。 2.读背默本课生词、短语及重点句。一、根据所给出的中文或英文注释填入适当的词。 1. Your

5、 advice is of great v_ to us. Thanks a lot. 2. Jim speaks in such a low voice that we h_ hear him. 3. Without my friends _, I cant finish the work on time. 4. Its very nice of you to offer me so much good _(建议). 5. Her parents are very _ (严格) with her. 6. On the train the conductor kept o_ (give sb sth) us hot water. 7. Everyone cant a_(reach by effort) success without hard work. 8. I dont get enough sleep at night, so I always feel t_(not energetic )in the day. 9. We shouldnt be c_ about playing computer games. 10. She decided not to _(接受) the job.


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