2016鲁科版英语五年级上册Unit 2《Feelings》word教案.doc

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1、UNIT 2 FELLINGS 教学内容: Unit 2 Book 5 的主题是 Feelings.语言功能是谈论及描述自己或他人的心情感受;学习 任务为 Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasnt. He was sad. 学情分析: 本课的教学对象是五年级学生。通过两年的英语学习,他们的听说读写能力已经初步 形成,已掌握了丰富的英语知识。同时不能忽视后进生的发展,培养学生积极的情感态度 和自主学习能力。 教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词:late, with;能听懂、会

2、说、认读单词:glad, worried, , wasnt, poor 并结合句型灵活运用。 2. 能听懂、会说、认读句型:Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasnt. He was sad. 能力目标: 能够运用所学句型:Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasnt. He was sad.表达自己或询问他人的心情感受。 情感目标: 通过各种形式的同桌或小组活动,激发学生表达的欲望,培养学生的合作意识。 教学重点

3、: 能听懂、会说并认读句子:Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasnt. He was sad.能用一般过去时表达自己和询问他人的心情感受。 教学难点: 教学难点是一般过去时与一般现在时的区分。 基本功训练点 1 规范书写单词:late, with; 2 能听懂、会说、认读单词:glad, worried, , wasnt, poor 并结合句型灵活运用。 3 能听懂、会说、认读句型:Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, h

4、e wasnt. He was sad. 教学手段 多媒体课件、单词卡片、人物头饰。 教学方法 实物激趣法、任务型教学 课时数及课时安排 每课一课时,共计四课时。 单元检测试题 伴你学单元过关卷 LESSON 1 Hes excited . 课型:新授课 教学目标: 知识目标:使学生能够听说认读单词:look, excited, sky, angry, lost, sad.掌握单词 及读音。能准确理解并熟练地运用句型:Hes excited/happy/sad/angry/.“What he doing ?“Hes doing.“ 能力目标:通过讨论及互动,学会描述他人的及自己的喜怒哀乐。 情

5、感目标:感受到他人的喜怒哀乐。并在生活中学会描述出自己的感受。 教学重点: 1、听说、认读单词:look, excited, sky, angry, lost, sad 2、能够准确理解并熟练运用句型 Hes excited/happy/sad/angry/. 教学难点:在真实的情境中灵活运用新知识询问并描述他人的感受。 教学方法:实物激趣法、任务型教学 教具:录音机,单词卡片,磁带,挂图。 教学过程: Step 1 : warming-up T: Hello! Boys and girls! S: Hello! Miss Sun! T: OK! First, let us read thes

6、e words one by one ,are you ready? S: Ready! (We read these words about UNIT 1 ,and we can review these words.) T:OK! Stop here! Everybody is so great! Now, look at the blackboard. Yes, there are 4 people ,can you talk about them ? S: Yes! T:Now,2 in a group talk about them ,then i will invite you t

7、o show it, understand? S:YES! (The students talk about the pictures,we can review the sentences patterns.) T:OK! Which group ? OK! YOU two. S1:He is young and strong . S2:YES, She is beautiful and kind. T:OH! You are so good! . Step2:Presentation T:OH! Everybody is so good! NOW, look at the blackboa

8、rd, I show some pictures for you .Can you say it ? S1:他看起来很高兴。 T: YES. Can you say it in English ? Now ,look at the card. Read after me“excited .“ S: “Excited “ T: He looks excited . S:He looks excited . T: Who can say it ? OK ,you please. S: He looks excited . T:Great boy! (I WILL lead students to

9、learn the new words like this.) T: Everybody is so great!Now.Look at the pictures. lets listen to the tape. (Students listen to the tape .) T: Now, open your books.lets listen to the tape again .Listen and point .Ready? S: Ready! (we listen to the tape .) T: Next , lets follow the tape .ready? S:Rea

10、dy! (Students read after the tape .) T: Now, Lets read it in groups.5 in a group .then ,I will invite you to show the dialogue. Understand? S: Yes ! (Students read it ) T:ok !which group ? OK,tis group. S1:You look so happy ,Danny. S2:Yes.Were going to the park . (I will invite 3 groups to read it .

11、) STEP3-Practice T:OK! Everybody is great!look at the blackboard ,Can you say it ? Now,2 in a group .talk about it. OK? Start! (Students talk about the pictures.) T: OK! Who can ? OK, You two please! S1: S2: T:OH! Very good! Thank you! (I will invite 4-5 groups to do it ) Step4- Consolidation. T:Now

12、,Take out a piece of paper and draw a picture, and then say it .OK!START! (Students draw it and talk about it.) T: WHO can say about your pictueres ? OK, boy please. S1:. (I will invite 4students to do it.) Step5- Summary T: Today, we learned how to say about our fellings .Can you say it? Now, let u

13、s say it together. Step6-Assignment T:I hope you can say it to your parents .and our homework is to listen to the tape. Understand? S: Yes. T:OK! Class is over! Goodbye class! S: Goodbye MISS SUN! (THE class is over .) 板书设计: 课后反思 本课的教学,经过反复琢磨,感觉有以下收获: (1)面向全体,活动设计由易到难,梯度合理。 在学习课文时,第二副图的问题让学生通过选择来回答问

14、题,难度较小。当学生比较 熟悉问答句型后,采用教师提问,学生直接组织语句回答问题,难度略有提高。而在学习 第四副图时,让学生自己提出问题,自己选择学生回答。将学习的主动权放给学生,进一 步提高了学习要求。这三副图的不同处理方法,也是对班里不同层次学生的不同要求,适 合四年级学生的现状。在学习第二副图后,教师设计 chant 帮助学生巩固核心句型,而在 学习了第三,第四副图后,让学生自己替换单词编写 chant 巩固句型,提高学生的创编能 UNIT 2 LESSON 1 Hes excited. Whats Danny doing there ? He is dancing there. He

15、is sad/ excited./happy./angry. 力和学习主动性。情景表演,内化课文环节,也考虑到这是第一课时,难度不易过高,需 要照顾全班各个层次学生的不同情况,所以将课文分成三部分,让学生自由选择,自主学 习,充分体现了以学生为本的教学原则。 (2) 开展各种形式的学习活动,提高学习效率,培养合作意识。 学生的个性差异是客观存在的,无论教师如何精心设计,总会有个别学生学习效果不 够理想,因此在教学过程中经常要采用同桌学习、小组学习的方式,以提高学习的效率, 培养学生互帮互助的合作意识。在本课的教学中,学习完课文后先是采用集体听录音读课 文,接着全班分成两大组,分角色朗读,之后采

16、用同桌分角色朗读的形式,互相检查互相 学习。而在后面的 Practice 中均采用小组活动的方式来完成这种难度稍大的任务,在交流 过程中,小组内不同水平的学生都可以分工做难易程度不同的工作,这样,每个层次的学 生都各得其所,学生都有较强的集体荣誉感,因此都积极参与,认真学习,以最佳的状态 参与集体活动,使平日里比较低调的学生展现出自己的学习热情,从而达到全面丰收。 UNIT 2 Feelings Lesson 2 Was he happy ? 课型:新授课 教学目标: 知识目标: 使学生能够听说认读单词:late, glad, worried, with, wasnt,poor 掌握单词及 读

17、音。能准确理解并熟练地运用句型:Was he happy? 能力目标: 通过讨论及互动,学会描述他人的及自己的喜怒哀乐。 情感目标: 感受到他人的喜怒哀乐。并在生活中学会描述出自己的感受。 教学重点 1 听说、认读单词:late, glad, worried, with, wasnt,poor. 2 能够准确理解并熟练运用句型 Was he happy? 教学难点: 在真实的情境中灵活运用新知识询问并描述他人的感受。 教学方法:实物激趣法、任务型教学 教具:录音机,单词卡片,磁带,挂图。 教学过程: Step 1 : warming-up T:Good morning,Boys and gir

18、ls! S:Good morning!Miss Wang! T:OK!First,let us read these words one by one ,are you ready? S:Ready! (We read these words about UNIT 2 ,and we can review these words.) T:OK!Stop here! Everybody is so great! Now,look at the blackboard.Yes, there are 4 people ,can you talk about them ? S:Yes! T:Now,2

19、in a group talk about them ,then i will invite you to show it,understand? S:YES! (The students talk about the pictures,we can review the sentence patterns.) T:OK!Which group ? OK! YOU two. S1:He is young and strong . S2:YES,She is beautiful and kind. T:OH!You are so good! . Step2:Presentation T:OH!E

20、verybody is so good! NOW,look at the blackboard,I show some pictures for you .Can you say it ? S1:他看起来高兴吗? T:YES.Can you say it in English ? Now ,look at the card.Read after me“happy .“ S:“happy “ T: Was he happy. S: Was he happy . T:Who can say it ?OK ,you please. S: Was he happy . T:Great boy! (I

21、WILL lead students to learn the new words like this.) T:Everybody is so great!Now.Look at hte pictures.lets listen to the tape. (Students listen to the tape .) T:Now,open your books.lets listen to the tape again .Listen and point .Ready? S:Ready! (we listen to the tape .) T:Next ,lets follow the tap

22、e .ready? S:Ready! (Students read after the tape .) T:Now,Lets read it in groups.5 in a group .then ,I will invite you to show the dialogue.Understand? S:Yes ! (Students read it ) T:ok!which group ? OK,this group. S1:Were you happy? S2:Yes.i was. I played games with Ienny and Li Ming (I will invite

23、3 groups to read it .) STEP3-Practice T:OK!Everybody is great!look at the blackboard ,Can you say it ? Now,2 in a group .talk about it.OK? Start! (Students talk about the pictures.) T:OK!Who can ?OK, You two please! S1: S2: T:OH!Very good!Thank you! (I will invite 4-5 groups to do it ) Step4-Consoli

24、dation. T:Now,Take out a piece of paper and draw a picture,and then say it .OK!START! (Students draw it and talk about it.) T: WHO can say about your pictueres ? OK,boy please. S1:. (I will invite 4students to do it.) Step5- Summary T: Today ,we learned how to say about our fellings.Can you say it?

25、Now ,let us say it together. Step6-Assignment T:I hope you can say it to your parents. and our homework is to listen to the tape .Understand? S:Yes. T:OK! Class is over! Goodbye class! S: Goodbye MISS SUN! (THE class is over .) 板书设计: UNIT 2 LESSON 2 Was he happy ? Was he happy ? Yes. he was.No. he w

26、ant,he was sad. Were you happy ? Yes. I was. No. I wasnt. I was worried. He was excited. She was worried. UNIT 2 Feelings Lesson 3 You look worried. 课型:新授课 教学目标: 知识目标: 1 知识目标:使学生能够听说认读单词:matter, find, worry, saw, yesterday 掌 握单词及读音。 2 能准确理解并熟练地运用句型:You look worried. 能力目标: 通过讨论及互动,学会描述他人的及自己的喜怒哀乐。 情感

27、目标: 感受到他人的喜怒哀乐。并在生活中学会描述出自己的感受。 教学重点 1、 听说、认读单词:matter, find, worry, saw, yesterday. 2、 能够准确理解并熟练运用句型 You look worried. 教学难点:在真实的情境中灵活运用新知识询问并描述他人的感受。 教学方法:实物激趣法、任务型教学 教具:录音机,单词卡片,磁带,挂图。 教学过程: Step 1 : warming-up T: Good morning, Boys and girls! S: Good morning! Miss Wang! T: OK! First, let us read

28、these words one by one ,are you ready? S: Ready! (We read these words about UNIT 2 ,and we can review these words.) T: OK! Stop here! Everybody is so great! Now, look at the blackboard. Yes, there are 2 people ,can you talk about them ? S: Yes! T:Now,2 in a group talk about them ,then I will invite

29、you to show it, understand? S:YES! (The students talk about the pictures, we can review the sentence patterns.) T:OK!Which group ? OK! YOU two. S1:Was he happy? S2:No, he wasnt. T:OH!You are so good! . Step2: Presentation T: OH! Everybody is so good! NOW, look at the blackboard,I show some pictures

30、for you .Can you say it ? S1:你看起来不安。 T: YES. Can you say it in English ? Now ,look at the card. Read after me“worried .“ S: “worried “ T: You look worried. S: You look worried. T: Who can say it ? OK ,you please. S: You look worried. T: Great boy! (I WILL lead students to learn the new words like th

31、is.) T:Everybody is so great!Now. Look at the pictures. lets listen to the tape. (Students listen to the tape .) T: Now, open your books. lets listen to the tape again .Listen and point .Ready? S: Ready! (we listen to the tape .) T: Next ,lets follow the tape .ready? S: Ready! (Students read after t

32、he tape .) T: Now, Lets read it in groups.5 in a group .then ,I will invite you to show the dialogue. Understand? S: Yes ! (Students read it ) T:ok! which group ? OK this group. S1:You look worried, wang hong. Whats the matter? S2:I cant find my English book, mum. (I will invite 3 groups to read it

33、.) STEP3-Practice T:OK!Everybody is great!look at the blackboard ,Can you say it ? Now,2 in a group .talk about it.OK? Start! (Students talk about the pictures.) T:OK!Who can ?OK, You two please! S1: S2: T:OH!Very good! Thank you! (I will invite 4-5 groups to do it ) Step4-Consolidation. T:Now,Take

34、out a piece of paper and draw a picture,and then say it .OK!START! (Students draw it and talk about it.) T: WHO can say about your pictueres ? OK ,boy please. S1:. (I will invite 4students to do it.) Step5- Summary T:Today, we learned how to say about our fellings .Can you say it? Now,let us say it

35、together. Step6-Assignment T:I hope you can say it to your parents and our homework is to listen to the tape. Understand? S:Yes. T:OK! Class is over! Goodbye class! S: Goodbye MISS Wang! (THE class is over .) 板书设计: UNIT 2 Feelings LESSON 4 课型:复习课 教学目标: 知识目标: 使学生能够听说认读单词:look, excited, sky, angry, lo

36、st, sad. late, glad, worried, with, wasnt(was not),poor, matter, find, worry, saw(see 的过去式。) yesterday。掌握单词及读音。能准确理解并熟练地运用句型:Hes excited/happy/sad/angry/.“What he doing ?“Hes doing.“Was he happy ?”Yes, he was./No, he wasnt” ”You look worried.” 能力目标: 通过讨论及互动,学会描述他人的及自己的喜怒哀乐。 情感目标: 感受到他人的喜怒哀乐,学会关心他人。并

37、在生活中学会描述出自己的感受。 教学重点: 1、听说、认读单词:look, excited, sky, angry, lost, sad. late,glad, worried, with, wasnt(was not),poor, matter, find, worry, saw(see 的过去式。) yesterday。. 2、能够准确理解并熟练运用句型:Hes excited/happy/sad/angry/.“What he doing ?“Hes doing.“Was he happy ?”Yes, he was./No, he wasnt”You look worried.” 教学

38、难点: UNIT 2 Lesson 3 You look worried. You look worried. Whats the matter ? I cant find my book/cap. He is happy/excited/worried. 在真实的情境中灵活运用新知识询问并描述他人的感受。 教学方法:实物激趣法、任务型教学 教具:录音机,单词卡片,磁带,挂图。 教学过程: Waming up: T: How are you feeling? Im happy. Because I have English with you . Are you happy? 设计意图:热身环节

39、引导学生表达自己的真实感受。 T: We have a new friend. Who is he? Mr Feeling. T: Today he is going to help ue to review U2. 设计意图:介绍 Mr Feeling,运用卡通人物贯穿整节课,引导复习活动,呈现知识点小贴 士,增加趣味性。 Review the text. 1、T:We have many feelings. They are interesting. We cant touch them. But your body can show them. Can you say and act?

40、设计意图:快速出示脸部表情,引导学生抢答单词并用体态活动表演。在趣味活动中复习 单词。 T:Can you say more words about feeling? 设计意图:反馈学生搜集新单词情况,给学有余力学生提供平台当小老师。 2、T:Sometimes the colours can represent the feelings. 设计意图:通过学生猜测颜色可以表示的情绪,引导学生从不同角度感知 feeling.让学生板 书单词。为复习第一课的故事做铺垫。 T:Can you act the story and ask some Qs? 设计意图:小组合作表演对话,反馈课前布置的作业

41、完成情况,并且让学生在小组里提问, 培养自主学习能力。 T: Q:Who is worried about Danny?What does he say? 设计意图:引导学生对课文内容进行深入思考,通过进一步挖掘 LiMingJennyWanghong 对 Danny 说的话中所体现的感情,引导学生体会关爱他人的情感和表达方式。 3、T:Mum was worried about WangHong.So she is asking her some Qs. Can you make a dailoge? 设计意图:指导学生复习第二篇课文,根据图片提示和课文内容编排对话,学生设想自己 是 Mum

42、,体验 Wanghon 晚回家的那种担心的情绪,进行小组活动编演对话,发散思维,最 后通过 Mr Feeling 的提示 Dont be late.渗透情感. 通过板书梳理 Was/Were? 4、T:Our feelings can change from time to time. WangHong was worried,now she is happy? Whats the matter? 设计意图:通过 Mr feeling 引导学生了解感情是随时变化的。运用课本图片 WangHong 表 情的变化,引导学生复述第三个故事,强化 was-is。并引导学生自读 Fun time 的小故

43、事, 并且引导学生在小组里根据提示讲故事,充分运用教材提供的素材。 5、T:We reviewed the 3 stories of this Unit. 设计意图:梳理板书,提炼语言框架。 Do the exercises. 1. Listen and match. 设计意图:连线,回答问题,训练学生的听力。 2. Read and write. 设计意图:引导学生阅读句子,写出关于 feeling 的单词,训练学生书写,单词过关。 3、T:Different things can give us the same feeling. Think it ove. What can make y

44、ou feel happy/worried? 对学生进行思维训练,头脑风暴说出让你感到快乐的事情。 4、Game 设计意图:采用新课标提供的案例,学生抽单词描述自己的情感并说明原因,小组成员提 问交流,学生真实谈论自己的 feeling,进行语言实践,灵活运用知识进行表达。 Talk about feelings deeply: 1 T:If some children are playing in your garden, how do you feel? T:On the same thing,we have different feelings. 设计意图:引导学生发表自己的见解,表达真

45、实想法。同时让学生明白对待同一件事人们 会有不同的感觉。 2、T:Read the story Mr Blacks garden. Then answer the Qs. T:Is Mr Black happy? Find out the words about feelings. Mr Black is sad. Whats the matter? Spring-winnter Mr Blacks garden is beautiful again. Why? What do you learn from the story? T:Share your happiness,share you

46、r love, you will be happier. 设计意图:学生自主阅读小故事,通过问题,引导学生理解故事大意,体会故事中的表达 的分享快乐道理。 Sum up: 1、 T:思维导图。 设计意图:通过思维导图梳理本课从不同方面理解 feeling。加深学生对 feeling 的理解:用 体态表达感情、颜色和感情、感情会随时变化、同一件事可以有不用的感情、不同的事情 会给我们相同的感觉。 运用板书梳理知识点。 Homework: Tell the story Mr Blacks Garden to your friends. 板书设计: LESSON 4 He is worried./ excited ./ happy. She is kind./strict./young. 教学反思:


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