2017外研版英语七上Module 6 Unit 2《The tiger lives in Asia》word导学案.doc

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1、Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia. 第三课时 学习目标 1. 熟悉本课所学新词汇; 2. 熟悉本课所学动物的生活地点、环境及食物等; 3. 培养并加强学生对动物的热爱。能把一些有关动物的知识介绍给家人、朋友,号召大家 共同保护动物。 学习重点 1. 各大洲的英文表达 2. 能正确使用大小写介绍某个 地方. 学习难点 灵活应用一般现在时描述动物. 课前预习 1、这些单词有联系吗?你能读出并记住吗?在后面写出他们的汉语吧。 Australia -Australian , Europe-European , Asia-Asian , Africa-African , Am

2、erica-American , 还有这些单词呢! grass leaf (leaves) alone strong 使用说明与学法指导 1. 预习 Act3; 2. 将预习中不能解决的问题标出来,并写在我的疑问处, 3. 书写认真、规范。 预习自测题 1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1Its an ( Africa) elephant. It comes from (Africa). 2This is a (China) tiger. 3About 100 pandas live in different (zoo). 4These are (elephant) from (Asian).

3、5This kind of animal eats (grass) and (leaf). 2. 按要求完成句子。 1. Does the lion like to eat grass?(作否定回答) No, . 2. The elephant comes from Africa.(改为否定句) The elephant from Africa. 我的疑问 _ 课内探究 Step 1 Find these places on the map. Show a map of the world. Step 2 Reading. 1. Fast-reading Read quickly and ch

4、oose the correct answer. The elephant lives in _ A Africa B Asia C Africa and Asia What do pandas eat? A Bamboo, plants and leaves B Bamboo leaves C. bananas Is the zebra Africa n? A Yes, it is. B No, it isnt. C. No, it doesnt. Does the tiger live alone? A Yes, it does. B No, it doesnt. C. Yes, it i

5、s. How many kinds of monkeys in the world? A 100 B 200 C 300 2. Careful reading: complete the table 动物 来自 栖息地 食物 camel Africa desert grass elephant kangaroo monkey snake wolf 3. 句型 The elephant _ in _and in _ . 大象生活在非洲和亚洲. It _ plants, leaves, bamboo and_ _ _, but it _ _ meat. 它吃植物,树叶,竹子和少量水果,但是它不吃肉

6、。 The panda eats about 30 _of bamboo a day, _ _ _ plants and leaves. 一只熊猫啊大概每天吃三十千克竹子,还有植物和树叶。 This black and white animal is the _of people _ _ _ _. 这种黑白相间的动物是全世界人们的最爱。 It_ water and is good at _. 它喜欢水并且擅长游泳。 Its strong and _many kinds of animals _food. 它很强壮,捕获其他动物来作为食物。 It s a very _animal and _li

7、ves _. 它是一种很庞大的动物,通常独自生活。 当堂检测 1.首字母填空: 1. China is a country in A_. 2. They are Europeans. They come from E_. 3. The dog is my favourite a _. 4. In autumn, we can see the yellow l_ of the trees. 5. The old man lives a_. I usually talk with him. 2.完成句子: 1.狮子是欧洲的吗? Is the lion _? 2.他们不是非洲人。 They dont

8、 _. 3.这是只非洲大象吗? Is this _? 4.你愿意住在美洲吗? Would you like _? 5.熊猫一天吃 30 公斤竹子,也吃植物和叶子。 The panda eats about 30 _ a day, _ plants and leaves. 课后反思 _ 课后训练 1. 读背本单元单词、词组。 2. 能正确使用大小写介绍某个地方. Unit2 The tiger lives in Asia. 第四课时 学习目标 1.能掌握本单元的新词汇。 2.掌握一般现在时主语是第三人称单数时,否定句、疑问句的句型转换。 3.能在句子中正确使用大写字母。 学习重点 1. 各大洲的

9、英文表达; 2. 能正确使用大小写介绍某个地方. 学习难点 灵活应用一般现在时描述动物. 课前预习 用所给单词的正确形式填空: 1)This is an (Asia) tiger . 2)The boy is (Africa). 3)This is a (Europe) boy . 4) (Australia) speak English 。 5) the camel (ea t)fruit ? Yes , it does . 6) The tiger (not eat) grass. 7) Elephants (be) very big animals. 8) Polar bears (no

10、t have) very long necks. 9) A camel (not often drink). 10) We (like) the panda. 我的疑问 知识链接 课内探究 探究点一: 单词和短语探究 1. African African 当“非洲的”讲时是_ (词性) ,其名词形式是_. 类似的结构你还知道哪些? _ 2. a little fruit fruit 是不可数名词,由此可以看出 a little 修饰的是可数名词还是不可数名词呢? _ little 含否定意义,a little 含肯定意义. 翻译: 杯子里几乎没有水. _ 杯子里有一点儿水. _ 拓展 表示一些

11、还可以用 few 和 a few ,它们都放在可数名词复数之前.a few 表示有一些,含肯 定意义.而 few 表示几乎没有,很少,含否定意义. e.g. 一些人:_ 这个动物园几乎没有什么动物._ _ 3. be good at 的意思是:_, at 后跟 动词的_形式。 4as well as as well as 含义是_. 在“A as well as B”结构中,语义重点 在 A 而不在 B e.g. He can speak Spanish as well as English.他不但会说英语,而且会说西班牙语。 翻译:他不但喜欢游泳而且喜欢网球. _ Exercise: She

12、 is good at _ basketball. A play B playing C to play This panda is ill. It only eats _ fruit today. A a little B a few C little There are _ books on the desk now. I will go and get one. A a little B a few C few 探究点二:重难点句子探究 This black and white animal is the favorite of people all over the world. 翻译

13、上面的句子:_ all over the world 是介词短语作_ (句子成分),修饰前面的名词 people。 介词短语作定语时,通常放在被修饰词之前还是之后呢_ 翻译下面的短语: 书桌上的书:_ 当堂检测 1. 选词填空。 America catch Asia like little alone swim The tiger lives in Asia. Its a very large animal and usually lives 1. . It likes water and is good at 2. . Its strong and 3. _ many kinds of an

14、imals for food. The elephant lives in Africa and in Asia. This elephant lives in Africa. It eats plants, leaves, bamboo and a 4._ fruit, but it doesnt eat meat. It 5. _ water. 2. 句型转换。 1I like Liu Qians magic show. Tony likes Fu Yandongs magic show.(合并为一个 句子) I like Liu Qians magic show _ Tony likes

15、 Fu Yandongs. 2Does the wolf come from E urope?(作否定回答) _,_. 3The tiger eats meat.(就画线部分提问) _ _ the tiger _? 4She does morning exercise every day.(改为一般疑问句) _ she _morning exercise every day? 5This kind of animal eats grass and leaves.(改为否定句) This kind of animal _ _grass_ leaves. 课后反思 _ 课后训练 1. 完成 Unit2 作业。 2. 模仿课文描述一种自己喜欢的动物,并写成短文。


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