北京课改版英语七下《unit 13 the dead rabbit came back》word知识精讲.doc

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1、Unit 13 The Dead Rabbit Came Back 一. 教学内容: Unit 13 The Dead Rabbit Came Back 二、教学目标 知识目标 熟练掌握本单元的单词、短语、句型和语法 能力目标 能够熟练运用本单元的知识与人交流,与其他人相互分享彼此的过去。 三、教学重难点 重点:动词的过去时态 难点:动词的过去时 四、本单元重点知识: (一)单词:本单元中单词的音、形、意 (二)组 1. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 2. walk around 四处走 3. clean the room 打扫房间 4. look nervous 看起来紧张

2、 5. prepare for 为做准备 6. come back from 从回来 7. take sth. with sb. 某人随身携带某物 8. do some shopping 买 东西 9. outside the house 在房子外面 10. put into 放进 11. come out of 出来 12. find sb doing sth 发现某人在做某事 13. have a wonderful time 玩得很高兴 14. a house with a large garden 一所带大花园的房子 15. with a rabbit in its mouth 嘴里叼

3、着一只兔子 16. call sb over 叫某人过来 17. have to do sth 不得不做某事 18. a lot of/lots of 许多 19. play with 和一起玩 20. each other 相互 21. talk about 谈论 22. tell sb stories 给某人讲故事 23. become good f riends 成为好朋友 24. grow up 长大 25. live in 居住 26. be afraid 害怕 27. walk toward 走向 (三)句子 1. They had lots of flights 它们打过许多次架

4、。 2. They played with other animals. 它们和其他的动物玩。 3. Mrs Stone decided to visit her friend Mrs King. Mrs Stone 决定去拜访她的朋友 Mrs King。 4. Mrs King lived in a nice house with a large garden. Mrs King 住在一个带大花园的漂亮房子里。 5. Mrs Stone took her dog with her. Mrs Stone 带着自己的狗。 6. The dog came to them with a dead r

5、abbit in its mouth. 狗嘴里叼着一只死兔向她们走过来。 7. Her neighbor raised some rabbits in a hutch. 她的邻居在兔舍里养了一些兔子。 8. She found her neighbor standing in his garden. 她发现她的邻居正站在他的花园里。 9. He called her over. 他把她叫过去。 10. She walked toward the neighbor and was nervous. 她向邻居走过去并且神色紧张。 11. Once upon a time, there lived

6、a girl. 从前有一个女孩。 12. They were both fat and ugly. 她们又胖又丑。 13. They made her do all work in the house 她们让她做家里所有的家务活。 14. The prince was old enough to get married. 王子到了结婚的年龄。 15. My classmates call me “ Story King ”. 我的同学叫我“故事大王” 。 (四)本单元的重点知识讲解: 1. Mrs. Stone decided to visit her friend Mrs. King. de

7、cide to do sth. 例如: We decided to buy a big house with a garden. Mr. King decided to join the golf club. visit sb 拜访某人 Shall we go to visit our English teacher tomorrow? Last week she visited one of her friends. 2. Mrs. King lived in a nice house with a large garden in the suburbs. a nice house with

8、 a large garden 一个带有大花园的漂亮房子 知识链接: a bag with a toy bear a tall girl with a round face a room with two windows the teacher with a dictionary 3. Mrs. Stone took her dog with her. take sth. with sb. 随身携带 例如: It is going to rain, you had better take an umbrella with you. Last week my father take me to

9、Beijing Wildlife Zoo with him. If you go to school, yo u had better n ot take your mobile phone with you. 4. They were surprised when the dog came to them with a dead rabbit in its mouth. come to them with a dead rabbit in its mouth 嘴里叼着一只死兔子向她们走过来 例如: Our English teacher came into the classroom wit

10、h a magazine under her arm. The boy ran to the playground with a football in his arms. We went to the music classroom with the music books in our hands. 5. Her neighbor raised some rabbits in a hutch in his garden. raise some rabbits 养几只兔子 同义词:keep some rabbits feed some rabbits raise: 抬起, 举起, 使升起,

11、饲养; 养育; 栽培 例如 raise ones head 抬起头 raise the flag 升旗 raise sb. from a bed 使某人从床上起来 raise ones courage 使某人鼓起勇气 raise salaries 提高工资 He raised his ar ms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。 I will not raise a hand against you. 我不会做任何不利于你的事。 to raise salaries 提高工资 to raise the rent 提高租金 6. The d og and the rabbit w

12、ere very dirty, so the two women thought the dog killed the rabbit and wanted to put it in t he ground. 狗和兔 子都很脏,所以这两个女人认为是狗杀死了兔子并且想把它埋在地下。 7. The women took the rabbit and carefully cleaned it in the bathroom. 两个女人拿着兔子并且在浴室里仔细地把它洗干净。 8. When it was dark outside, they went into the neighbors garden

13、and put the rabbit into an empty hutch. 天黑的时候,她们就去了邻居的花园里并且把兔子放到空兔子窝里。 dark 暗的 , 黑暗的,暗色的; (颜色)浅黑的; 深的 a dark face 忧郁的脸 dark blue 深蓝色 a dark night 一个漆黑的夜晚 9. The next day, when Mrs. King came out of her house, she found her neighbor standing in his garden. 1). come out of her house 从她的房子里出来 知识链接 get

14、out of take out of rush out ofK go out of look out of jump out of run out of 2)find sb. doing sth. 发现某人在做某事 I found him playing the mobile phone. The policeman found the thief stealing the car. The teacher found the boy sloping away. 10. He called her over. call sb. over 把某人叫过去 11. She walked toward

15、 the neighbor and was very nervous. walk toward sb. 向某人走过去 12. He neighbor smiled, “Yesterday morning, I found one of my rabbits dead in its hutch.” find adj. find sb. 发现某人 例如: I find English very interesting, so I want to learn it well. The boys find it very funny to play computer games. I find it

16、easy to learn how to skate. I find him angry 网 13. So I buried it in the garden but this morning it came back. 所以我就把它埋在了花园里,可是今天早晨它又回来了。 五、语法项目: 英语中的所有动词都有过去形式。 动词的过去式分为规则变化和不规则变化。 (1)规则动词的变化规则如下: 一般情况直接加-ed, 例如: clean cleaned helphelped playplayed 等等 在以不发音的 e 结尾的动词后只加-d 例如: live live like liked mov

17、e moved 以辅音字母+y 结尾的动词, 变 y 为 i 再加-ed, 例如: study studied cry cried worry worried 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,先双写该辅音字母, 再加- ed, 例如: plan planned stop stopped drop dropped (2)不规则动词过去式见课本最后一页; (3)动词过去式除系动词 be 以外,都没有人称变化, 例如: I was with my parents in the park yesterday. He was in the classroom all day yester

18、day. We were at a party in the classroom at 5 p. m I did some shopping yesterday He lived in Shanghai when he was small. They planned to go to Beijing last year. 典型例题: 写出下列动词的过去式: study _ clean _, like _ move _ play _ do _ go _, come _ _ stay_ enjoy _ travel _ visit _ save _ help _ wash _ talk _ 用所给

19、动词的过去式填空: 1. This morning I _( get ) up late, so I _( not have ) breakfast. 2. Last week I _( buy ) some flow ers for my mother. 3. We _( move ) to China ten years ago. 4. Jim _( make ) a birthday card for his friend Ken. 5. _ you _( have ) breakfast this morning? 6. Yesterday my parents _( clean ) the house together. 7. Tom _ ( not come ) to school last Monday. 8. There _( be ) some students in the classroom just now. 9. _ (be) there any classes last Wednesday? 10. My daughter _( leave ) home at 8:00 yesterday morning.


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