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1、 外文翻译 原文 Business strategy of choice and make MaterialSource: Journal of Industrial Economics, 2010-10 Author: Steven White Nowadays, the world is stepping into the competitive era of globalization. The survival of enterprises is related tightly with the develop strategies. Our country is to set up

2、economic system of socialism, to improve modern company system, to be the number of the WTO, which made our economy keep the pace with the world. as a Chinese company stepping into the 21 century, it is important without doubt that researching the develop strategic problem is a superiority to domina

3、te in the compile war. Facing so harsh situation, to go out and explore the international market has become a must choice for Chinas industry to live and grow. The world has entered the era of winning the enterprise strategy. In many countries around the world before the formulation and implementati

4、on enterprise operation strategy as enterprise first topic, according to statistics, many large companies not only the manager took 40% every year a 80% of the time to study and establish enterprise strategy, and enterprise in China have set their own strategy. Global enterprises have realized that

5、the world has entered the era of strategic defeat. The correct choice enterprise operation strategy is enterprise innovation needs. Enterprise only constant innovation, can be in an impregnable position, because the society is progressing, technology development, the enterprise wants to secure for a

6、 long time in a career is impossible, enterprise innovation, whether human, financial, material management innovation, or production, supply and marketing management innovation, is inseparable from the enterprise manages strategic guidance. Enterprise management strategic relationship enterprise sur

7、vival. Enterprise management strategy is enterprises overall management ideas, and is the enterprise production, sales, internal management and so on all aspects of the guidance, is the enterprise about the overall planning of the present and future. Enterprise management strategy choice correct or

8、not directly related to the survival of enterprises. It is self-evident. The companys operating strategies is the key activity to attain the companys goal, looking upon the famous cooperations in the world, the choice of the operating strategies is either with specialization or with diversifies acti

9、on. The starlets with diversification means that the company join the competition in multi-markets with at least two kinds of products. The strategies with specialization so-called is a way to compete in a main market with one kind product supported focally by the company. Growing up with specializa

10、tion or diversification is question can not be avoidable during the process of development. Answers to this question changed dramatically over the last several decades. The world has entered the era of winning the enterprise strategy. In many countries around the world before the formulation and imp

11、lementation enterprise operation strategy as enterprise first topic, according to statistics, many large companies not only the manager took 40% every year a 80% of the time to study and establish enterprise strategy, and enterprise in China have set their own strategy. Global enterprises have reali

12、zed that the world has entered the era of strategic defeat. According to different stages, such as prime founding phase, small-scale phase, big-scale phase and even diversify phase, companys strategies emerges diriment characters and rules. In reality, many companies made mistakes. they can not resi

13、st the temptation of big profits to make big cooperation before they got market proportion. The un-related exploration without aim leads to the declined profits. In the stock market, the ST、 PT companies are due to the diversification mostly. For Internationalization, it couldnt be understood just a

14、s selling the products abroad, while the true meaning should be the realization of globalization of resources arrangement, should be the change of way of resources arrangement. It means to make full use and arrange well the global resources, and produce product with low cost but high quality. The gl

15、obalization resources arrangement is made up by many factors of including the globalization of production, market, technology, resources, fund and Brand. Internationalization is different Globalization and Localization, but also have relations with them. By Localization, can a company achieve its In

16、ternationalization, finally succeed in Globalization. Localization is the way and method, while Internationalization and Globalization is the target. In the study field of strategy for Internationalization management, the entry mode of the international market, the strategic steps of entry, and the

17、implementation of Internationalization strategy, has been the focus of study, and also the of whether the Internationalization could be successfully managed. Entry mode is an important part of the Internationalization, and would directly affect the management activities the use of all resources, and

18、 would affect the enterprises long-term and whole part development. It includes the mode of combination of both OEM and exportation by self-owned Brand, the combination of Hard market first Easy market second and Easy market. First and hard market second, the mode of establishing factories abroad, t

19、he mode of taking over the overseas companies, etc. The strategic entry steps for the international market is the phase target based on the total target of Internationalization. The realization of each phase of target is the base of achieving the total target of Internationalization, such as Haiers

20、three steps Internationalization strategy: Go out, go in and go up. Step one, to “go out” follows the principle of “Creating Brand” not “Earning Foreign currency”,export product and become known. Step two, to “go in” follows the principle of “Find the market first, then establish the factory”, to cr

21、eate the trust from others. Step three, to “go up” follows the principle of Localization, and win the praise from others. The implementation of Internationalization strategy is the implementation of the enterprises Internationalization strategy in the international market, including production, mark

22、et the Internationalization of design, procurement, marketing, fund management, human resources, enterprise culture and management, etc. Chinese companies should consider from the below points: 1. Establishing international business strategy: Companies should set down their own strategy accordingly

23、such as Haiers goal of building globalization brand. 2. Frame international corporations with main points as below: Globalization of organization structure, managing platform, design, procurement, manufacturing, marketing and capital operating. 3. Internationalization models have both strong and wee

24、k points so that companies should choose the way suited their self. 4. Implementing the localization strategy with main idea including the localization of company culture, employee and management. 5. Differences should be embodied in the international strategy such as brand strategy, core technology

25、 strategy, innovation strategy and differentiation strategy. During the process of business strategy establishment, the sheer “take and use method” is not acceptable. Only the strategy which suit for the situation of both the Chinese companies and the county, can lead the Chinese companies to the ro

26、ad of success. 译文 企业经营战略的选择与制定 资料来源 : Journal of Industrial Economic, 2010-10 作者: 史蒂芬怀特 当今世界已进入全球化时代,在这个时代里企业竞争与发展都离不开 适应于自身实际情况的企业发展战略。中国建立社会主义市场经济体制, 推行现代企业制度,以及争取加入世 界贸易组织,这些都将使 中 国与世界 经济同步接轨,同时,也将使我们与世界著名企业的竞争越来越激烈,将 在国际国内两个市场上与它们展开而对面的竞争,作为走向 21 世纪的中国 企业,必须认真研究企业发展的 战略问题,发挥自身优势,在特定的领域 内,在未来的竞争中

27、,占据一席之地。面对如此残酷的格局,“走出去”, 开拓国际市场成为中国企业生存和发展的必然选择。 世 界已 进入 企业战略制胜的时代。日前 世 界上大多数国家都把 制定和实施企业经营战略作为企业首要的课题,据统计,不仅许多大公司的经理每年都会拿出 40%一 80%的 时间 去研究制定企业战略,而 且企业也都在纷纷制定自己的战略。全球企业界都已认识到世 界已经 进入了战略制胜的时代。 正确选择企业经营战略是企业 不 断创新的需要。企业只有 不 断 创新,才能立于不 败之地,因为 社 会在进步、技术有发展,企业想长 期固定在一个事业上是不可能的,而企业创新,无论是人、财、物管理上的创新,还是产、供

28、、销管理上的创新,都离不开企业经营战略的指导。 企业经营战略关系企业存亡。企业经营战略是企业的总体经营 思路,而且是企业生产、销售、内部管理等等一切方面的指导,是企业的关于目 前和未来的整体规划。企业经营战略选择的正确与否,直 接关系到企业的生死存亡。这一点是不言而喻。 企业经营战略是企业为达到自身经营目的的一种关键性活动,在企 业经营中,明确确定一长远的主要任务,以及为完成这一任务而采取的主要行为。综观国内外知名企业,在经营战 略选择上,不外是多元化经营战略和 专业化经营战略,所谓多元化经营战略就是企业同时生产多种产品,又企图同时打开多种市场,同时在多种产品多个市场上展开竞争,以求取得稳定发

29、展和较好的效益的战略 ;所谓专业化经营战略,即企业集中力量生产(提供 )一种主导产品 (服务 ),在市场 战 略上采取在本行业主导市场土 进行竞争的战 略。企业专业化和多元化,是两种相互联系、却又相互独立 的企业成长战略。企业在成长壮大过程中都无法回避对专业化和多元 化的选择问题。企业是专业化发展好, 还是多元化发展好呢 ?对这个问题的回 答几十年来一直是答案差异很大的。 在市场经济条件下,企业是在竞争中成长起来的,一个企业从小作坊 发展成为大集团公司,在初始创业阶段、小规模生产阶段、大规模专业化 生产阶段而至多元化经营阶段,在经营战略方血呈现不同特点,有其发展 的规律性。而在现实中,我们许多

30、企业在战略选择上,尤其是在选择多元 化经营战略方面,存在诸多误区,主业没有在所从事的领域内占领一定的 市场份额之前,抵挡不住低成本的冲动,抵挡不住造就大型企业集团甚至 跨国公司的 巨大诱惑,盲目地进行无关联多元化扩张,导致效益下降,甚 至资不抵债,在深沪股市上,举凡 ST 公司,大多皆因投向多元化而致。 对于国际化的理解,不是简单地把产品销售到国外市场,而其真正意义应该 是实现资源配置的全球化,是一种资源配置方式的改变,即充分利用、合理配置全球资源,生产出成本低、质量高的产品。这种资源配置全球化由众多的因素组成,如 :生产制造全球化、市场全球化、技术全球化、人才全球化、资金来源全 球化、品 牌

31、全球化等。 国际 Internationalization 与全球化 Globalization,本地化 Localization 不同,但又有关系,只有企业在海外实现更多本地化,才能 实现企业的国际化、进而实现全球化的成功。本地化是手段和途径,国际化和全球化是目标。 在国际化经营战略研究领域里,国际市场的经营模式、进入战略步骤、国际 化战略的实施一直是研究的焦点问题,也是企业国际化经营成功与否的关键。经营模式是国际化进程的重要构成,将直接影响到企业进入国际市场后一系列的经营活动、各类资源的投入以及运用,关系到企业长远、全局发展,主要包括 :贴 牌生产和自创品牌出口相结合模式、先难后易与先易后

32、难相结合模式、海外建厂模式、跨国并购 模式等。国际市场的进入战略步骤是企业围绕国际化大目标而制定的阶段目标,每一阶段目标的实现都是实现国际化战略目标实现的基础,比如海尔的国际化战略三步骤 :走出去、走进去、走上去。第一步, “走出去 ”按照 “创 牌”而不是“创汇”的方针,出口产品,打“知名度 ”;第二步, “走进去 ”按照 “先有市场,后建工厂”的原则,打“信誉度”。第三步,“走上去”按照本土化的方针,实行“三位一体”的本土发展战略,打“美誉度”。国际化战略的实施是企业国际化战略在国际市场上的运用,包括设计的全球化、采购的全球化、制造的全球化、营销的全球化、资 金运作的全球化、人才的全球化、

33、企业文化的全球化、管理的全球化等。 中国企业国际化经营 战略应从以下几个方面予以思考 : 一、制定国际化经营战略目标 :不同企业应根据自身特点制定自己的国际化 经营战略目标,例如海尔将创全球化品牌作为战略目标 : 二、构筑国际化企业框架,主要体现在以下少 L 个方面 :组织架构和管理平台 的全球化、设计的全球化、采购的全球化、制造的全球化、营销的全球化和资金运作的全球化 ; 三、各类国际化经营模式各有利弊,企业要选择适合自己的国际化模式和国 际市场进入战略步骤 ; 四、实施适合本企业的本土化战略,主要 可以包括 :企业文化的本土化、人 才本土化、管理本土化等 ; 五、国际化经营战略要体现差异化,如品牌战略、核心技术战略、创新性战略等 : 在中国企业制定国际化经营战略的过程中,要注意纯粹 “拿来主义 ”不可取 ,只有适合于中国国情、中国企业发展现状的国际化经营战略才是中国企业目前发展需要的。


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