1、本科毕业论文(20 届)论个人信息保护的立法构想所在学院 专业班级 行政管理(行政法) 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 年 月 I目 录摘 要 .IIAbstract .III1 绪 论 .12 个人信息概述 .22.1 个人信息的概念 .22.2 个人信息的法律特征 .32.3 个人信息的法律属性 .43 我国个人信息保护的立法现状及其意义 .53.1 我国个人信息受侵害的现状 .53.2 我国个人信息保护的立法现状 .53.3 我国个人信息保护的立法意义 .64 我国个人信息保护的立法构想 .74.1 选择我国个人信息保护的立法原则 .74.2 明确我国个人信息保护的立法模式 .
2、84.3 确定信息主体权利 .84.4 完善个人信息保护监督管理体制与救济机制 .95 结 论 .11参考文献 .12致谢 .13II论个人信息保护的立法构想摘 要随着信息时代的来临,人们生活方式变得愈发丰富起来,现在的人们足不出户就能享受各种服务。信息时代的各种产物在方便人们生活的同时,也给现在的人们带来了很多问题与思考,其中个人信息的泄露问题就是我们急需解决与面对的。近年来,不断出现个人信息泄露的事件,从天涯社区用户数据泄露事件,到近期的支付宝数据泄露事件,人们的的个人信息不断地被不法分子非法披露、使用、营销获利。目前我国针对个人信息的保护还很不全面,既没有专门的法律规范也没有良好的的监督
3、机制,在一些法律规定中,针对个人信息的保护还只存在于原则性保护,在具体的实务中操作性很差,这就造成公民个人信息权利受到不法侵害时,很难得到法律方面的救济。所以针对个人信息保护进行专项立法已经迫在眉睫,这不仅符合我国的现有的国情,也是促进社会进步,建立和谐社会与法治社会的必由之路。针对个人信息保护存在的问题,我们在确立立法原则时应充分考虑我国的具体情况,针对性的选择立法模式,明确个人信息主体权利以及不断完善个人信息保护监督管理体制与救济机制。关键词:个人信息;保护;立法建议How to Keep Your Personal Information SecureAbstractProtecting
4、 your personal information can help reduce your risk of identity theft. There are four main ways to do it: know who you share information with; store and dispose of your personal information securely, especially your Social Security number; ask questions before deciding to share your personal inform
5、ation; and maintain appropriate security on your computers and other electronic devices.Keeping Your Personal Information Secure OfflineLock your financial documents and records in a safe place at home, and lock your wallet or purse in a safe place at work. Keep your information secure from roommate
6、s or workers who come into your home.Limit what you carry. When you go out, take only the identification, credit, and debit cards you need. Leave your Social Security card at home. Make a copy of your Medicare card and black out all but the last four digits on the copy. Carry the copy with you unles
7、s you are going to use your card at the doctors office.Before you share information at your workplace, a business, your childs school, or a doctors office, ask why they need it, how they will safeguard it, and the consequences of not sharing.Shred receipts, credit offers, credit applications, insura
8、nce forms, physician statements, checks, bank statements, expired charge cards, and similar documents when you dont need them any longer.Destroy the labels on prescription bottles before you throw them out. Dont share your health plan information with anyone who offers free health services or produc
9、ts.Take outgoing mail to post office collection boxes or the post office. Promptly remove mail that arrives in your mailbox. If you wont be home for several days, request a vacation hold on IVyour mail.When you order new checks, dont have them mailed to your home, unless you have a secure mailbox wi
10、th a lock.Consider opting out of prescreened offers of credit and insurance by mail. You can opt out for 5 years or permanently. To opt out, call 1-888-567-8688 or go to . The 3 nationwide credit reporting companies operate the phone number and website. Prescreened offers can provide many benefits.
11、If you opt out, you may miss out on some offers of credit.Keeping Your Personal Information Secure OnlineKnow who you share your information with. Store and dispose of your personal information securely.Be Alert to ImpersonatorsMake sure you know who is getting your personal or financial information
12、. Dont give out personal information on the phone, through the mail or over the Internet unless youve initiated the contact or know who youre dealing with. If a company that claims to have an account with you sends email asking for personal information, dont click on links in the email. Instead, typ
13、e the company name into your web browser, go to their site, and contact them through customer service. Or, call the customer service number listed on your account statement. Ask whether the company really sent a request.Safely Dispose of Personal InformationBefore you dispose of a computer, get rid
14、of all the personal information it stores. Use a wipe utility program to overwrite the entire hard drive.Before you dispose of a mobile device, check your owners manual, the service providers website, or the device manufacturers website for information on how to delete information permanently, and h
15、ow to save or transfer information to a new device. Remove the memory or subscriber identity module (SIM) card from a mobile device. Remove the phone book, lists of calls made and received, voicemails, messages sent and received, organizer folders, web search history, and photos.Encrypt Your DataVKe
16、ep your browser secure. To guard your online transactions, use encryption software that scrambles information you send over the internet. A “lock” icon on the status bar of your internet browser means your information will be safe when its transmitted. Look for the lock before you send personal or f
17、inancial information online.Keep Passwords PrivateUse strong passwords with your laptop, credit, bank, and other accounts. Be creative: think of a special phrase and use the first letter of each word as your password. Substitute numbers for some words or letters. For example, “I want to see the Paci
18、fic Ocean” could become 1W2CtPo.Dont Overshare on Social Networking SitesIf you post too much information about yourself, an identity thief can find information about your life, use it to answer challenge questions on your accounts, and get access to your money and personal information. Consider lim
19、iting access to your networking page to a small group of people. Never post your full name, Social Security number, address, phone number, or account numbers in publicly accessible sites.Securing Your Social Security NumberKeep a close hold on your Social Security number and ask questions before dec
20、iding to share it. Ask if you can use a different kind of identification. If someone asks you to share your SSN or your childs, ask: why they need it how it will be used how they will protect it what happens if you dont share the numberThe decision to share is yours. A business may not provide you w
21、ith a service or benefit if you dont provide your number. Sometimes you will have to share your number. Your employer and financial institutions need your SSN for wage and tax reporting purposes. A VIbusiness may ask for your SSN so they can check your credit when you apply for a loan, rent an apart
22、ment, or sign up for utility service.Keeping Your Devices SecureUse Security SoftwareInstall anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, and a firewall. Set your preference to update these protections often. Protect against intrusions and infections that can compromise your computer files or passwor
23、ds by installing security patches for your operating system and other software programs.Avoid Phishing EmailsDont open files, click on links, or download programs sent by strangers. Opening a file from someone you dont know could expose your system to a computer virus or spyware that captures your p
24、asswords or other information you type.Be Wise About Wi-FiBefore you send personal information over your laptop or smartphone on a public wireless network in a coffee shop, library, airport, hotel, or other public place, see if your information will be protected. If you use an encrypted website, it
25、protects only the information you send to and from that site. If you use a secure wireless network, all the information you send on that network is protected.Lock Up Your LaptopKeep financial information on your laptop only when necessary. Dont use an automatic login feature that saves your user nam
26、e and password, and always log off when youre finished. That way, if your laptop is stolen, it will be harder for a thief to get at your personal information.Read Privacy PoliciesYes, they can be long and complex, but they tell you how the site maintains accuracy, access, security, and control of th
27、e personal information it collects; how it uses the information, and whether it provides information to third parties. If you dont see or understand a sites privacy policy, consider doing business elsewhere.Key words:identity theft, personal information, phishing, privacyVII1 绪 论自 19 世纪 60 年代开始,随着计算
28、机技术的不断发展和互联网的全球普及,信息时代悄然而至,个人信息成为一种推动社会发展进步的重要资源。于此同时,个人信息的收集、处理、利用更加的方便,大量包含个人隐私的信息,通过互联网可以轻易的获得。在中国,征信机构不仅包括政府部门,还包括大量的社会组织、单位,出于行政目的或商业利益,它们大量收集,储存,转让个人信息。由于没有专门的健全的个人信息保护方面的立法与监督机制存,以及传统文化的影响,人们缺乏对个人信息的保护意识,个人信息泄漏导致的利益损失现象层出不穷。早在 20 世纪 70 年代,欧洲已经缔结了个人信息保护的国际公约。而我国在个人信息保护法律方面的空白,不仅不利于我过经济的发展亦不利于我
29、国社会主义和谐社会与法治社会的建设。针对我国个人信息保护的立法问题,首先要明确当前我国个人信息保护的立法现状,下一步就是结合我国国情考虑我国法律传统和法律习惯,最后要明确信息主体对个人信息享有的权利属性。建立有中国特色的个人信息法律体系和监管制度,对于建立健全我国个人信息保护法以及建设社会主义和谐社会与法治社会有着现实的意义。12 个人信息概述2.1 个人信息的概念伴随着互联网的发展和计算机技术水平的提高,人们的生活工作娱乐不止局限于面对面的交流.电子商务、电子政务的发展也促进了在线服务的发展,出于提高客户满意度和满足服务人民的需求,商户和政府不可避免的要收集人们的个人信息来提高服务水平。信息
30、时代的各种服务在不断便利了人们生活的同时,也出现了个人信息泄漏的事件,这对人们的生活造成了极大的不便,甚至出现个人信息泄漏被不法分子非法使用引起的金融损失。近年来,个人能信息泄漏时间层出不穷,2011 年 12 月,CSDN 的安全系统遭到黑客攻击,600 万用户的登录名、密码及邮箱遭到泄漏。随后,CSDN“密码外泄门“持续发酵,天涯、世纪佳缘等网站相继被曝用户数据遭泄密。长期以来不恰当的使用个人信息侵犯个人隐私的情况到处可见,这些问题的出现原因是多方面的,数千年的传统文化的影响,以及目前我国针对个人信息的立法保护的不健全,至今尚未有隐私权的立法,还有国人普遍缺乏个人隐私保护的观念。现阶段的个
32、种定义称为隐私权型定义。隐私主要指私密的,不愿意被人知晓的有关信息。个人信息除了包含这部分私密的个人信息以外,还包括琐碎的个人信息已经可以公开的个人信息。显然,个人信息包含了隐私的内容。美国的 Parent 教授认为,他认为个人能信息是指社会中多数所不愿向外透露者或者对某些个人极其敏感而不愿别人知道者。第三种定义称为识别型定义。支持识别型定义的学者认为,自然人的姓名、出生年月、职业、健康、财务、病历、身高、体重、性别、年龄、家庭住址、肖像、指纹、毕业学校及其他可以识别个人的信息。这些信息可以将信息主体进行识别和定位。所以,2本文所讨论的个人信息中的信息具有识别意义的信息,才是我们所倡导的保护对
33、象,才具有现实意义和法律意义,才属于法律应当规制和判断的范畴。2对比上述三种对于“个人信息”的定义,笔者相较倾向与识别型定义来定义个人信息。个人信息保护的立法应该采用识别型定义来定义个人能信息。识别型定义避免了关联型定义外延过宽的界定,也防止了隐私权型定义对个人信息保护过窄而将一些重要的个人信息排除在外的问题,例如,隐私权定义对琐碎的个人信息以及公开的个人信息不能保护。另外,个人信息保护的重要性主要是在网络发展、普及的过程中凸显出来。所以,笔者认为在个人信息保护立法中可以针对网络的特别条款,已规范网络的个人信息保护。2.2 个人信息的法律特征自然人是个人信息的主体。是指基于“出生”的法律事实而
34、取得民事资格的自然人,而个人信息能够识别自然人的一切信息。另外,我国民法领域是保护死者的人格利益的,所以死者生前的个人信息也应该纳入个人信息的法律保护里。个人信息具有可识别性,可以直接或简介识别信息主体,例如,身份证,肖像,姓名可以直接识别信息主体,而兴趣,爱好,性别,年龄已经各种网络帐号等都可以间接识别信息主体。随着时代的进步,通讯技术和网络技术的不断发展,个人能信息的识别方式也越来越多。一旦个人信息受到侵害,必定会对自热人造成一定程度的损失。个人信息并不一定为个人所知,例如通讯服务商非法收集的用户资料,医生掌握的患者未知的医疗信息,个人信息的法律保护不仅是本人知道的个人信息,还包括本人不知道的个人信息。个人信息具有人格与财产双重属性,个人信息可以全面反映个人信息本人的个人属性.个人信息作为一种社会资源,可以用来交换产生财富,通过对个人信息的研究分析,可以了解个人的特定需求,提供相应的服务。可以看出个人信息具备人身和财产的双重属性 2.3 个人信息的法律属性个人信息的法律属性是个人信息立法保护领域的一个较为重要的基础性理论问题,它关系到个人信息立法保护在法律体系中的体系地位的归属问题。关于个人信息法律属性问题在全球范围内的讨论一直在继续,一般有“隐私权说” 、 “所有权说” 、 “人格权说”和“基本人权说”几种观点。