1、April Fools Day愚人节的介绍April Fools Day is celebrated on April 1st every year.Its origins are uncertain. Show you several origins. 2015The Gregorian calendar reform(格里高利历即阳历) 1582FrancereformThe Julian calendar(儒略历) The Gregorian calendarSomeone failed to keep up with the change. Send him on a “fools e
2、rrand“ .Try to trick him into believing something false. The Change of New Years Day 20152015Roman MythologyCeresJupiterProserpinaDaughterPlutoThe king and ruler of the Olympian godsThe Goddess of grain and the harvestthe God of the DeadThe Underworldabduct(诱拐 )PlutoMom, help me!CeresSearch in vain
3、for herProserpinaThe mythological antecedent of the fools errands Christian MythologyNoahs ArkSending the dove was on a fools errand.Christian MythologyJesusPilate 彼拉多 (古罗马犹太总督 )Herod 赫洛德“Sending a man from Pilate to Herod“- an old term for sending someone on a fools errandThe Turn of The Seasons The weather becomes fickle (变幻无常的 ) .As if Nature is playing tricks on man.Sunny Wet Cloudy SnowyThe History of April Fools Day to play practical jokes on others send people on fools errands fool the unsuspecting