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1、 外文翻译 原文 Foreign direct investments and relocations in business services Material Source: Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Author: Magdolna SASS East Central Europe, and inside it, Hungary are locations, where especially starting from 2000, more and more independent busine

2、ss services firms set up their operations and many big multinational firms concentrated their regional, European or even global service centre there. For example, in Hungary examples include for the first group EDS, SAP, GenPact, Diageo and IBM. As for the second group, among others, Alcoa, Vodafone

3、, Exxon Mobil, Avis, Cemex, GE, InBev, Morgan Stanley, Celanese, Lexmark, British Telecom, Vodafone relocated certain regional, European or even global service functions to Hungary. Not only the number of projects grew significantly, but there were also some very big projects involved, employing tho

4、usands of new employees in their newly opened sites. (See e.g. Gl (2007), Sass (2008a) or Sass (2008b) In many cases, these service functions are relocated, transferred from other, usually Western European locations, causing white collar job losses there. This is one reason why these movements figur

5、e highly in the (Western) media. Offshore outsourcing and offshoring of service activities is not a new phenomenon. (Metters, Verma, 2007) After and parallel to outsourcing/offshoring the low and medium skilled production processes in manufacturing, starting mainly from the nineties, the offshoring

6、and offshore outsourcing of certain production processes of specific services from developed to other developed or emerging/developing countries has started to become more and more widespread. (UNCTAD, 2004) The process has been induced by technological development in many various ways. As a result

7、of technology developments, the fragmentation, division, standardisation, algorithms of services processes, evaluation of certain service process elements, digitalisation, coding of information were made possible. This is similar to the fragmentation process in manufacturing, but on the basis of ava

8、ilable evidence, the fragmentation can go deeper in services processes. After such fragmentation, certain service processes can be separated and they can be carried out in locations where it is cheaper, more efficient, or where it provides better quality. As a result, certain services are traded, ev

9、en internationally. Information and communication technologies made tradable mainly services dealing with information. It is now possible to produce certain services in far away locations and consume them in another far away location at the same time, or even at different times. (UNCTAD, 2004) ICT d

10、evelopments also allowed reducing the response time. (Metters, Verma, 2007) New goods appeared which acted as “mediators” (e.g. CDs , software) in services trade. (Lindner et al., 2001) The outsourcing of services has also been helped by the ongoing uni-, bi- and multilateral liberalisation process

11、of services trade, even if the level of liberalisation does not reach that of manufacturing goods. (UNCTAD, 2004) “Unilateral” changes in relevant governmental regulations and incentives, with the aim of proactively attracting offshore business services, also played a role. This can be traced in inv

12、estments in telecommunications infrastructure, and in more and more countries offering tax allowances for such types of activities etc. (Metters, Verma, 2007) Increased presence of global networks also contributed to the process. (Netland, Alfnes, 2007; Dicken, 2003) Other specific factors, such as

13、e.g. the acceptance of English as lingua franca, general institutional compatibility and adaptability, simpler logistics in services compared to manufacturing also played a role in the quick advancement of the process. (Bardhan and Kroll, 2003) The services functions affected include such a heteroge

14、neous group of activities as various IT services, legal, finance, accounting, marketing services, a range of R however, their market shares are still very small. Because of methodological problems, it is not easy to prove this statement. Statistical data on services foreign trade, foreign direct inv

15、estments or jobs can not be used to describe international developments and characteristics of the process. (Sass, 2009) Estimations, which are available are usually prepared by industry experts or consultancy firms and are based on company surveys and interviews. (Kirkegaard, 2005) According to the

16、 data of UNCTAD (2004), one third of the services outsourcing projects of European multinational companies went to India, Western European countries (Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Great-Britain) had a 29 per cent share, and 22 per cent of the projects went to East-Central and Eastern Europe, mainly t

17、o Hungary, Poland and Romania. Because larger projects go to India, this countrys share can be close to 50 per cent in terms of market share. According to McKinsey Company, the share of the East-Central European region from global business services was as low as 1 per cent in 2005. Thus, the region

18、is left behind the leading Asian countries, but the later start of European companies indicates that the process is only about to take off for the East Central European region. According to the survey conducted by IBM and Oxford Intelligence, East- Central Europe besides Ireland is already the outso

19、urcing and offshoring projects. In Hungary, the few existing papers describe the main processes, based mainly on the analysis of available statistical data or location of pan-European service centres, i.e. companies in Continental Europe are supplied from here. Altogether, the role of East Central E

20、urope is growing, though it is not as big as one could expect on the basis of the information presented by the (Western) media. Hungary has been one of the leading locations in attracting business services projects in the East Central European region. Services centres appeared already during the nin

21、eties, partly because Hungary opened up its economy to foreign direct investments the earliest in the region. Affiliates operating in the country provided the demand for business services, which in itself attracted such projects. Moreover, as an attracting factor, relevantly skilled labor with compe

22、titive wages, the legal and physical (especially ICT) infrastructure and office space have been available in the required quality and quantity. The number of such centres can be around 50 at present and the number of jobs created around 20 thousand, according to 2008 data, this represents more than

23、0.5 per cent of total employment and almost 1 per cent of services employment in Hungary. ( Own calculation on the basis of company interviews and data of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office.) Both the international literature and the Hungarian literature are quite scarce concerning the locatio

24、nal advantages attracting business services offshore using information published by consultancy firms. These papers agree on the increasing importance of this kind of services in the Hungarian economy and the role of FDI in it. Hamar (2005) also calls the attention to the problems of measurability a

25、nd lack of data, which limits our knowledge about the sector. There are many definition, data and methodological problems in analysing the characteristics of offshoring and offshore outsourcing of business services. Experts examining these data problems in detail suggest that the best approach in th

26、is field is to supplement existing quantitative analysis with more qualitative examinations and to combine quantitative and qualitative research. This instruction is basically followed in this paper as well: statistical data are used to provide some insights into the extent of this kind of services

27、in the Hungarian host economy. Further analysis of the locational factors affecting this type of activities is based on company interviews, which were carried out using a semi structured questionnaire. Managers of eight companies were interviewed, of which four are independent service providers and

28、four are captive centres. All of them had an element of relocation: activities either partly or fully were relocated from another foreign location. These eight companies represent about one fourth of total employment in the computer related and business services sector connected to offshoring and of

29、fshore outsourcing in Hungary, which rests upon the fact that the two biggest companies are involved. These eight company case studies do not provide a sufficient basis for making unchallengeable conclusions about the locational factors considered by offshored and offshore outsourced business servic

30、es FDI in Hungary, however, in some respects, given the uniformity of the companies interviewed, certain common characteristics of this kind of projects are reinforced. 译文 对外 直接投资与服务贸易区位因素 资料来源 :匈牙利科学院经济研究所 作者: 麦多纳赛斯 匈 牙利坐落于欧洲内陆的东部,尤其从 2000 年开始,越来越多独立的服务贸易公司在那里建立起他们的公司,许多大型跨国公司集中于此,匈牙利就此成为了欧洲甚至全球性服务

31、机构的中心。例如,以匈牙利为例的第一类组织,包括数据加密标准,卫星自动控制系统,简伯特, 迪阿吉奥以及 美国国际商用机器公司。第二类组织,其中包括 美国铝公司, 沃达丰,埃克森美孚,艾维斯,墨西哥西迈克斯集团, 通用电气公司, 英博, 摩根士坦利,赛拉尼斯,利盟,英国电信公司,对于匈牙利而言,沃达丰的迁移使得欧洲乃至全球服务业更加的功能化了。不仅在项目数量上有了显著的增长,而且在八廓了一些大型的项目,雇佣了上千名的新员工为新公司工作。( Gl 2007), Sass( 2008a), Sass(2008b)在这些公司中,一些服务功能区转移到了另外的地方,通常是欧洲西部,这导致了白领失业。这就是

32、西方媒体报道的迁移数值居高不下的原因。 离岸外包,服务的离岸外包活动不是 一个新现象。 (Metters, Verma, 2007)在那些对于技术含量低或中等的平行外包或服务外包之后或同时,开始于九十年代,特定的服务业中的确定的生产程序从一个发达国家外包到另一个发达国家并且被传播开去。 (UNCTAD, 2004)这个过程是技术运用不同的方法进步。技术进步的结果是,服务程序变得结构化,部门化,标准化,算法精确化,使得对服务过程各个因素的评估,数字化,信息化成为可能。这等同于制造业结构化的过程,但是以服务业的适用性证明为基础,结构化对于服务业程序可以更深一步。分解以后,特定的服务过程可 以被分配

33、到那些相对便宜,更有效率,能够提供更好质量的地方去。结果,某些服务被行业化甚至国际化。信息通讯技术成为了处理信息的一种主要商业服务。现在某些服务贸易产生在一个地方,消费在两一个地方,甚至在产生在不同的时间。 (UNCTAD, 2004)信息通讯技术的发展使得回应的时间缩短。 (Metters, Verma, 2007)出现的新产品(例如 CDs,软件)充当了服务贸易的 “调解员 ”。 (Lindner et al., 2001) 服务外包受 到了 多边贸易 自由化 的推动,即使自由化的程度还不及制造业。 (UNCTAD, 2004)“单边贸易 ”的改变受政府制度和为了吸引服务外包的激励机制的影

34、响。在电信基础设施的投资方面就可以看出来,越来越多的国家为此类活动提供税负补贴等。(Metters, Verma, 2007)提高全球化网络有助于此过程的实施。 (Netland, Alfnes, 2007; Dicken, 2003) 其他特定要素,例如英语作为混合语,一般体制兼容性,适应性,简单后勤在服务业相对于制造业也来说在加快其进步过程中夜是十分重要的。 (Bardhan and Kroll, 2003) 服务功能影响包括那些活动的 异质群体,像服务,法律,金融,会计,营销服务,一系列资料搜集分析过程,医疗,教育服务等。离岸外包是指一个公司决定转让某些公司正在经营的项目,另一该公司的部

35、门在国外 (有控制权的离岸外包 )或一个独立公司在国外 (离岸外包 )。业务外包流程描述在一个供应商,一个客户之间,反映一整个服务职能为客户端服务的过程。 (这个定义基于chakrabarty(2006) 35 页 ) 迁移被作为一个产品的生产从一个国家转移到另一个国家过程,或生产能力的扩张而合并成一个公司,而另一个生产能力相对减少,或有一个生产能力扩张而另一个没有 变化。 从而离岸外包和迁移这两个过程联系起来就是一个伟大的扩张。迁移发生与当公司移动部分的生产过程或服务功能到一个相对便宜的子公司。此说法通常被用于描述国际迁移以及和他有着相同意义的服务外包。术语离岸外包最近主要被信息和通信技术和

36、其商务支持服务的离岸外包申请。迁移是通过分解生产服务在不同地区来降低成本从而提高竞争力的一个方法。有几个国家的比较优势被结合。迁移暗示那个工作,产品和服务被移动从家到主办国。有几个国家的比较优势被结合。迁移暗示工作,产品和服务从母国移动到东道国。公司从外国子公司进口,在母国生产某些货物或元 件。它生成外国直接投资,国际贸易。迁移相对于市场寻求或横面整合外国直接投资,被定义为寻求效率或垂直整合外国直接投资。 直到区位因素被重视,美国首先开始实行服务外包,之后就是其他一些盎格鲁撒克逊人国家(第一个是英国)加入。而某些外包活动早在五十年代就已经开始了,但自身的加速扩张开始在九十年代。后来有些国家 (

37、或欧洲大陆的公司 )跟随这二个国家,他们在这过程中赶上了第一个迁移者。这其中原因包括对于服务外包的反应滞后,欧洲公司之间文化的差异以及更高的障碍,还有欧洲小语种国家存在的语言障碍。而且,在许多情况下他们宁可近 岸,保持搬迁功能离原现场近。在东道国,作为母国的 “镜子 ”,反映了英语,英美文化,其他共同的元素的优越性 (比如相同法律结构 (Bardhan, Kroll, 2003, p. 3) 爱尔兰,印度,加拿大和以色列都是很重要的东道国 (UNCTAD, 2004)。在欧洲,显然,爱尔兰是最主要的东道国,不过其他一些老牌欧洲成员国也占有很高的市场份额(特别是英国,葡萄牙和西班牙也是重要的东道

38、国)。 (UNCTAD, 2004) 总而言之,绝大多数服务的离岸外包,拥有控制权的离岸外包在发达国家之间实行,通过某些新兴经济体, 特别是印度成为重要的实施国家。欧洲联盟成为新成员国,变得更为重要;然而,他们的市场份额还是很小。因为方法的问题,要证明这个声明实在不容易。关于服务外贸,外国直接投资或工作的统计数据不能用于描述国际发展及过程的特征。 (Sass, 2009)通常被基于公司概观的按分产业专家或顾问公司准备的就是预算。 (Kirkegaard, 2005)根据 UNCTAD (2004)的数据,三分之一的欧洲跨国公司聚焦印度,西欧国家(爱尔兰,葡萄牙,西班牙和英国)也占有 29%的份

39、额, 22%的项目在东欧和东部内陆,主要是匈牙利,波兰和 罗马。因为大项目转到了印度,这个国家可以占有接近百分之 50 的市场份额条款。例如麦肯锡公司, 2005 年占有的东欧的全球服务贸易市场份额下降了百分之一。然而,亚洲国家被冷落,但后来欧洲的公司表明此过程只在东中欧地区实行。根据由 IBM 公司和牛津情报的调查,东中欧除了爱尔兰已经实行了外包和离岸外包项目。在匈牙利,一些报道描述了其主要过程,主要基于可用的的分析统计数据或在欧洲的服务机构,例如欧洲大陆的公司。总而言之,东中欧的地位正在提高,虽然不像 (西方 )媒体报道的期望这么高。 匈牙利在中欧东部地区已经是服务贸易项目的 主导区域。服

40、务中心出现于90 年代,主要由于匈牙利是最早打开它的外国直接投资的经济地区。自身吸引来的服务贸易项目在子公司进行。而且,作为一个吸引因素,技术劳工,有竞争力的工资,法律,物质 (尤其信息和通信技术 )基础设施,办公空间在质量和数量上要符合要求。这样的中心数目目前达到了 50 个左右,创造了将近两万个岗位,据 2008 的数据统计,这代表超过总就业人数的百分之 0.5,几乎百分之1 的服务雇用在匈牙利。(此次统计基于对公司的访问和匈牙利中央统计局。) 无论是国际的研究还是匈牙利的研究都缺乏对通过由顾问公司发布的关于吸引服务外包的区位优势的关注。这些报道同意对匈牙利的经济而言这种类型的服务和外国直

41、接投资的重要性越来越明显。哈尔马( 2005)也认识到缺乏衡量数据这一难题,况且我们对这领域的知识太缺乏了解。 在分析服务外包特征上海存在很多关于定义,数据,方法的问题。专家在实际检验这些数据时,最好是使用接近这个领域的定量分析加上更多的定性分析,然后将两者结合进行研究。此要求基本跟以下报道相同:对于匈牙利东道国经济,统计数据常常可以提供给此类服务更宽的视野。基于使用半结构式问卷对公司进行采访来更深一步对区位因素影响活动类型进行 分析。八个公司的经理接受了访问,其中四个是独立的服务供应商,另外四个是有控制权的服务提供者。他们都提到了迁移这一因素:项目部分或全部被转移到国外。八国公司表示在匈牙利四分之一的服务外包是在计算机领域,其中包括两个最大的公司。这八国公司的例子并不能给出充分的基础来对匈牙利的服务外包和服务业利用外资的区位因素得出一个毋庸置疑的结论,然而,在某些方面,特定的公司访问可以确定这种项目所强调的共同特征。


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