外文翻译 原文 Globalization, Outsourcing, and Wage Inequality Material Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 86, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the
1、 外文翻译 原文 Globalization, Outsourcing, and Wage Inequality Material Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 86, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Hundredth and Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association San Francisco, CA, January 5-7, 1996 (May, 1996), pp. 240-245 Author: ROBERT C. FEENSTRA AND GORDON H. HANSON Since the late 1970s, the wages of less-skilled U.S. workers have fallen dramatically, both in real terms and relative to the 。
2、外文翻译 原文 International Outsourcing and Incomplete Contracts Material Source:http:/www.ssc.wisc.edu/ Author: Barbara J.Spencer 4.The thickness of the market and the outsourcing decision McLaren(2000)and Grossman and Helpman(2002,2005)emphasize the importance of the thickness of the market in determining the probability that final-good firms and suppliers of specialized inputs find an appropriate match so that investment and production can take place. In keeping with simple transaction 。
7、 外文翻译 原文 Productivity Impacts of Offshoring and Outsourcing: A Review Material Source: organisation for economic co-operation and development Author:Karsten Bjerring Olsen Despite the attention that offshore outsourcing currently demands in the public media, there is little empirical evidence on its economic impact. As a consequence of rising fears of job losses associated with the phenomenon, most existing research on the subject is primarily concerned with addre。
10、外文翻译 原文 Strategic Alliances in Logistics Outsourcing Material Source: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Author: By Yim-Yu Wong, Thomas E. Maher, Joel D. Nicholson, Nicholas P. Gurney Introduction Throughout history, military leaders have constantly been reminded of the necessity of adequate supply lines so that their troops might achieve victory on the battlefield. That has been particularly true in offensive and geographically expansive warfare when the aggressors early succ。
12、 1 外文翻译 原文 The New Wave of Outsourcing Material source: Research Report Author: Ashok Deo Bardhan and Cynthia A. Kroll There is growing apprehension among business leaders, economists, and ordinary Americans that we are witnessing what may well be the largest out-migration of nonmanufacturing jobs in the history of the US economy. This concern has been fueled by newspaper reports and economic news highlighting the layoffs of thousands of people in high-tech, software and service sector c。
13、 4 外文翻译 原文 HOW to choose an HR outsourcing firm Material source: Long Island Business News (7/1993 to 5/2009), 11/16/2007 Author: Starzee, Bernadette Human resources administration is a time-intensive area for any business, one that must be handled expertly and sensitively. But many small to mid-sized businesses lack the resources to assemble a team of employees with specialized knowledge in all necessary areas of HR. For many companies, outsourcing some or all of their HR functions can be。
15、 外文翻译 原文 Outsourcing Of Software Development Material Source:Humboldt University Berlin Author: Oleg Ishenko 1.1 India India is considered as one of the leaders of the offshore software development. As an offshore location it first was discovered by Texas Instruments, which has been running a subsidiary in Bangalore starting from 1985. The exceptional annual growth of software exports of average 40% during the 1990s has promoted India to one of the top software exporters. According to。
16、 外文翻译 原文 Business services outsourcing by manufacturing firms Material Source: http:/tradeinservices.mofcom.gov.cn/upload/2009/02/12/1234402015734_186015.pdf Author: Fernando Merino and Diego Rodriguez Rodriguez Outsourcing of services is one of the most important phenomena that are reshaping firms boundaries in the last decades. This article assesses the reasons leading manufacturing firms to contract out some service activities instead of providing them internally. The theoretical framew。
18、1 外文翻译 Outsourcing in Financial Services Material Source:Business Credit October 2005,Vol.107, No.9,64-70 Author:The Joint Forum 1 Executive Summary Financial services businesses throughout the world are increasingly using third parties to carry out activities that the businesses themselves would normally have undertaken. Industry research and surveys by regulators show financial firms outsourcing significant parts of their regulated and unregulated activities. 。
19、 外文翻译 原文 Demystifying Outsourcing Material Source: Finance computing and information comprise hardware consultancy, software implementation, and data processing. According to these statistics, U.S. business service imports as a share of GDP have roughly doubled in each of the past several decades, from 0.1 percent in 1983 to 0.2 percent in 1993 and 0.4 percent in 2003. In the United Kingdom, the share is about 1 percent of GDP. India, reported to be the recipient of significant outsourcing。