2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 5《Our new home》(第一课时)word教案.doc

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2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 5《Our new home》(第一课时)word教案.doc_第1页
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2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 5《Our new home》(第一课时)word教案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 5 Our new home 一 、教学内容 :Unit 5 Our new home(Story time) 二、教学目标 1.能会听,会说,会读 Household things 2.能会听,会说,会读 Position 3.能听懂,会说,会读 Wheres/Where are?Its/Theyre 4.能听懂,会说,会读 home,bedroom,living room,sofa,kitchen,come 三、教学重点 句型 Wheres/Where are?Its/Theyre 四、教学难点 名词复数的变化 五、课前准备 1)教学图片, 2)录音机,磁带 3)CD PPT 六

2、、教学过程 Step1 Greeting & Warm up Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, . T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. Sing a song Lets play a game. Where is the bird? Step2 Presentation 1. Play a game and learn the new words T: (手中拿着一只折起来的小鸟) Now boys and girls, guess, where is the bird? S: I

3、s it in the living room? T: Teach “bedroom, living room, bathroom” S: Is it in the kitchen? T: Yes, its in the kitchen. (Teach “kitchen”) But where is it? Can you find it? Its on the table. Now its on the fridge. Now its behind the clock. Now its on the sofa. Its beautiful. Teach “table, fridge, clo

4、ck, sofa” Read after the tape. Read one by one. 2. Show the pictures. Example: Where is the bird? Its in the living room, on the sofa. (展示的图片要能让学生操练到所学的单词:bedroom, living room, clock, table, bathroom, sofa, kitchen, fridge) Step3 Story time 1. Listen to the tape and think: T: Where are Su Hai and Su

5、 Yang? S: They are in their new home. 揭题:Today well learn a new lesson “Our new home” S: Read the topic. 2. Watch the cartoon and match. 引导学生回答完以后,将相应的图连线。 包的图 客厅的图 鸭舌帽的图 卧室的图 短裙的图 厨房的图 3. Watch the cartoon again and finish the exercises. Where is ? Its Where are ? They are Wheres ? Its 4. Listen to

6、 the tape and read after it. ( 注意模仿其语音语调。) 5. Read in three. (分角色朗读对话。) 6. Act the dialogue. (小组表演展示对话。 ) 7. 引导学生将课文变成歌谣,进行诵读。 Step 4 Consolidation 1. Match and say. 引导学生将对话中的人物、相关物品和房间位置进行搭配,然后用完整的句 子进行表述。 skirt bedroom Su Yang white cap living room Su Hai bag kitchen 2. 四人( a, b, c, d)一组, b, c, d

7、询问 a 家中的摆设,a 要回答 b, c, d 每人提出的问题。b, c, d 再根据 a 的回答,画出他/她家的摆设, 看谁画的最 像,评选出优秀的一人。 Step 5 Sing a song 七、作业: 1.听磁带,读故事 3 遍并试着背一背。 2. 用 Where is /Where are? Its/They are 的句型来说说物品的 位置; 3. 试着复述课文。 八、板书内容: Unit 5 Our new home A: Where is /Where are? B: Its/They are A: Is it in ? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 九、教学反思:


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