2017外研版英语八年级上册Module 12《Help GraMar》word导学案.doc

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1、Module 12 Help Grammar 一、学习目标 1.学习祈使句,情态动词 must,can,could表示推测的用法。 2. 会应用祈使句,情态动词 must,can,could表示推测的用法。 。 3. 总结本模块的知识点。 二、学习重点 情态动词 must,can,could表示推测冠词的 用法 三、学习难点 情态动词 must,can,could表示推测冠词的用法 课前预习 一、使用说明与学法指导: 1. 借助课本和辅导材料,深入理解情态动词 must,can,could表示推测冠词的用法。 2. 完成时间 30分钟。 二、教材助读:情景导学资料 三、预习自测 : 翻译句子:

2、 1.你肯定会下象棋。 (be able to) _ 2. 情态动词 can和 could表示_,还可以表示对现在或将来的 _, 意为_.但是 can只能用于_ 和 _ 中, could 可用于_ _ _ 中。 3.他可能很疼。 _ 4.这有可能是真的吗? _ 5. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. 但是他可能无法听到 你或者和你说话。 have trouble doing sth 意为_. 相当于 have difficulty doing sth. 6. We have no trouble _ (find)

3、 the address. Do you have any trouble _ _ (learn) English? Fill in the blanks using must / can / might. 1. Could I borrow your dictionary? Yes, of course you_. 2. She doesnt answer the bell. She_ be asleep. 3. The ground is wet. It _have rained last night. 4. He is writing with a pencil. He_ have lo

4、st his pen. 5. A computer cant think for itself, it _be told what to do. 我的疑问 课内探究 质疑探究 : 一.认真阅读 P135语法部分,回答问题。 祈使句表达说话人对对方的_ _等。祈使句一 般以动词_开头,无时态和数的变化。常见的祈使句型有两种: 1.动词原形开头的祈使句: 此类祈使句暗含的主语是_,但通常省略。否定句往往以_ 或_ 开头。 例如: Open the door! (否定句) _ _ _ _. 2. lets 构成的祈使句: 这类祈使句往往用于提出建议,例如: Lets spend this weeke

5、nd in the countryside. 这周咱们到乡下度周末吧。 _ _ _ _, please. 我们去野餐吧。 二. 情态动词 must, can, could 表示推测 1.情态动词 must 可以表示推测,意思是“_”通常只用于_ 中。 Betty, you must know! 贝蒂, 你肯定知道! 当堂检测 一、单项选择 1. Jenny _ with him at that time, for I was having dinner with her in my h ome. A. cant have been B. mustnt have been C. must hav

6、e been D. may have been 2.It is cold in the room. They _ have turned off the heating. A. must B. ought to C. should D. could 3. Someone is knocking at the door. Who _ it be at this hour of day? A. may B. can C. must D. should 4. I didnt hear the phone. I _ asleep. A. must be B. must have been C. sho

7、uld be D. should have been 5. Johnson _ be a policeman. He is much too short. A. may B. mustnt C. should D. cant 6. Jack fell off a ladder yesterday, but he was all right. He is lucky. He _ himself badly. A. can have hurt B. could have wounded C. might have hurt D. must have wounded 7. Who told you

8、the news? I dont remember clearly. It _ Mary. It _ Mary. She doesnt know it. A. may have been; cant be B. can be; mustnt be C. must have been; cant have been D. may have been; may not be 二、比较选择 1. Its very dangerous. You _(must/mustnt) keep away from it! 2.They _(could/mustnt) still win the game isnt over yet. 3._(Move/Dont move) the boy if hes broken his arm. 4._ (Keep/Dont keep) the boy warm. Hes freezing 课后反思 : 课后训练 复习本堂课所讲内容


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