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1、 外文翻译 原文 Understanding pay satisfaction:the limits of a compensation system implementation MaterialSource:Journal of business and psychology Author: FrederickP.Morgeson Interventions aimed at altering employee satisfaction with compensation systems take many forms. In particular,job evaluation has b

2、e come a popular method for determining organizational compensation levels (McCormick, 1979;Milkovich MilkovichHornsby,Smith,McCormick,1979;Milkovich Schwab,1985). In addition to providing a measure of organizational worth,job eval uation is also designed to gain agreement about a wage structure(Mil

3、 kovichGreenbe- rg,1987,1990a). It thus concerns how decisions are made. While different criteria of procedural justice have been discussed(seeGreenberg,1990a,foranoverview),all conceptualizations include aspects of participation and involvement.These two ele- ments are critical to perceptions of fa

4、irness,particularly when all ocation decisions are made(Barrett-Howard&Tyler,1986). The potential importance of procedural fairness for compensation systems was noted by Folger and Greenberg(1985),although they focused only on systems that either provide information(open pay systems) or choice(cafet

5、eria-stylebenefitplans). That is,they did not discuss instances where individuals were actually involved in the process of changing acompensation system.Milkovich and Newman(1993),however, suggest that the manner in which a pay decision is made may be as important as the actual decision. Support for

6、 this comes from research showing that perceptions of procedural justice contribute significantly to pay satisfaction (Folger&Konovsky,1- 989). It appears that the opportunity to express ones opinion, regardless of actual influence over the decisions made, enhances perceptions of procedural justice

7、(Tyler,Rasin-ski,&Spodick,1985),and involvement in the process seems to satisfy the desire to have ones opinion considered.As are sult,including importants takeholders in the job evaluation process may increase perceptions of fairness and pay satisfaction because it allows them to have a voice in th

8、e design of the pay plan, even if they ultimately have little direct control over the final pay levels assigned. Two studies have investigated process-related issues in the context of implementing pay plans. While they do not directly relate to job evaluation, they are important for the present rese

9、arch because they show how process involvement can influence pay plan outcomes. In one study, Lawler and Hackman(1969) examined the effectiveness of participatively developed pay incentive programs. Compared to groups who had the incentive plan imposed, those who participated had improved attendance

10、.Lawler and Hackman concluded“that participation in the development and implementation of a plan may have more of an impacton the effectiveness of a plan than the mechanics of the plan itself”(1969p.470). In another study, Jenkins and Lawler(1981) examined how participating in the design of a pay sy

11、stem influences employee reactions.They found that participation in pay system design resulted in significantly greater pay satisfaction.These studies highlight the importance of employee participation and involvement in the compensation system design process and how this influences compensation out

12、comes. THE PRESENT STUDY This review highlights weaknesses in the job evaluation literatur and defines the method ological approaches and hypotheses adopted in the present study. First, there is a lack of research investigating the basic question of how implementing acompensation system influence pa

13、y satisfaction. As noted earlier, the fairness and participation literatures suggest that employee involvement is essential when making pay decisions because it helps employees understand the process by which pay decisions were reached.The present research investigates this issus via a quasi-experim

14、ental field study and leads to the first hypothesis: H1:Implementing aparticipatively developed compensation system will increase pay satisfaction. The second method ological approach used in the present study is anon-equivalent dependent variables design(Cook&Campbell,1979).That is, pay satisfactio

15、n is not typically considered a unitary construct.Instead, pay satisfaction can be subdivided into four dimensions(Heneman&Schwab,1985),(1) satisfaction with pay level,(2)satisfaction with raises, (3)satisfaction with structure and administration, and(4)satisfaction with benefits.It seems likely tha

16、t a job evaluation will differentially influence these dimensions of pay satisfaction,thus resulting in differential predictions: H2:Satisfaction with pay structure and administration will increase following a job evaluation implementation,while satisfaction with benefits will be unaffected. Satisfa

17、ction with pay level and raises may increases lightly because they may be secondary benefits of having a job evaluation system. Third,few studies have examined how the level of involvement or participation in the job evaluation process influences the acceptability of a new compensation system.The pr

18、esent study examines this issue by comparing the pay satisfaction of employees who had varying degrees of participation in the job evaluation process(e.g.,participated in the job analysis, completed surveys, reviewed materials, and so on),leading to the final hypothesis. H3:As employees have greater

19、 participation in the pay plan implementation,they will experience commensurate increases in their satisfaction with pay. 译文 了解薪酬满意度:酬劳系统落实的限制 资料来源 : 商务和心理学 作者:弗拉德瑞克莫格森 介于目标对准改变职工满意度的酬劳系统有很多形式,特别的有,工作评估会成为一个决定酬劳水平的流行方法。这个过程的目标是提高一个在内部一致的工作组织,是为了达到一个管理者和劳动者 都能接受的薪酬结构。创建工作评估的许多共同的方法中的一个包含决定一套可补偿性因素,数字

20、地缩放他们的比例,在他们的相对重要性方面分配重量,并且在一个工作分析的基础上提供给他们一套工作。这个过程被称为工作评估的尖端方法。 一个要点,但是通常是盲从的,这个方法的目标是加强员工薪酬满意度和薪酬公平的领悟力。然而,我们可以发现在探索文献中没有经验性研究证明这个效果。为了处理这个不足,现在的研究调查在一个类似的专业领域研究。其参与的范围,是在工作评估过程中一个酬劳系统落实薪酬满意度的时候。为了提高如何参与可能会影响薪酬 满意度的学习,我们简短地回顾工作评估和公平和参与文献。 工作评估 工作评估是对接受测量组织价值或一个工作的价值,以建立合乎科学的工资和薪水率为目的的一般性术语。当其他人用不

21、同方式定义工作评估,所有的焦点集中在为了决定薪酬目的在工作中建立不同的有系统的产品。 为了提供一种组织价值的尺寸,工作评价通常被设计去赢得包括工资结构的赞同。假如工作评价的其他焦点是为工资被分配的方法合理处理和获得承认。可接受的一个工作评价系统的一个要点索引时薪酬满意度。像卡瑞写道:如果薪酬是为了满足员工 并且全部包括薪酬管理 然后每 个薪酬率必须建立在至少一些考虑上是为了在工作中和工作周围的人员的视野。作为工作评价过程的一个结果,然而,薪酬满意度在组织研究中被忽略,和大多数最近的注意力集中在空间上的薪酬满意度且不是它的决定因素。一些研究调查薪酬满意度作为薪酬调停和改变的结果。这个在文献中的落

22、差是不幸运的,因为学习薪酬满意度的决定因素可能会导致提高酬劳系统的设计和落实。 公平和参与 因为酬劳的决定对于员工是特别地突出和重要,这个过程是他们做出的有可能的影响员工满意度。不同策略已被开发去尽量减少通常伴随分层次的决策的消极后果。一类的技术利用 参与的决策制定员工被包含在参与的决定制作过程。心理动力学,这些措施在程序正义的框架内是可以理解。这个希望重点集中在程序或过程,是用来对于他们相对的公平做决定。因此,它是围绕如何做出决定的。虽然不同标准的程序定义已经讨论过,所有的概念化包括参与的方面。这两个因素是至关重要的,特别是公平分配决定是由。 潜在的重要的程序公正赔偿制度是由福尔杰和格林伯格

23、 ( 1985) 著名的。虽然 他们只局限于系统提供信息和选择 。 那就是 ,他们没有讨论在 个人在实际中换一种补偿系统 的例子。米尔克维奇和纽曼 ( 1993) ,然而,建议的方式是一个工资的决定可能是与实际的决定一样重要。 支持这一观点的研究表明从程序正义的薪酬满意感有显著贡献 。 看来这个机会来表达自己的观点 , 不管实际的影响的看法时 , 提高决策程序正义、全程参与似乎已经有舆论认为 能 满足这个愿望 。 作为一个结果 , 包括重要的利益相关者的工作评估过程中可能会增加对公平与薪酬满意 , 因为它能让他们有选择的设计中 , 即使你支付计划最终没有直接控制分配的最后的薪酬水平 。 两项研

24、究已经调查有关工艺专业问题的语境中实施薪酬计划。尽管他们没有直接关系到工作评价,它们是很重要的因为它们显示当前研 究的过程中会影响预后薪酬计划参与。在一个研究中, 劳尔 和 哈克曼 ( 1969) 研究了参与制定薪酬激励方案的有效性。相对于规定激励计划的团体,那些参与改善了出席。 劳尔和哈克曼 得出结论“在一项制定和实施计划的参与可能对一个比 计划本身的力学计划有更多的影响”。在 另一项研究中, 詹金斯 和 劳尔 (1981)研究了如何参与薪酬制度设计来影响员工的反应。他们发现,参与薪酬制度设计的结果是薪酬满意度的显著提高。这些研究强调了员工在薪酬体系设计过程中参与的重要性和如何影响补偿的结果

25、。 研究现状 这个评论突出了文学的薄弱环节和工作评估的 定义方法和在本研究中采用的假设。首先,现在缺乏研究去探讨如何实施薪酬满意度的影响补偿制度的基本问题。如前所诉,公平性和参与的文献表明当做支付决定时员工要参与决策,因为它可以帮助员工了解薪酬决策达成的过程。本研究通过一个准实验场探讨问题并导致第一个假设:实现一个参与性的开发补偿制度将增加薪酬满意度。 第二种方法趋向于在在本研究使用的是一个非等效因变量的设计。也就是说,薪酬满意度通常不被视为是一个单一的结构。相反,薪酬满意度可以分为四个方面: ( 1) 薪酬水平的满意度, ( 2) 满意度的提高, ( 3) 薪酬结构和管理满意度 ,( 4)薪酬福利的满意度。这看起来很可能是一个工作评估将影响薪酬满意度差异的一些方面,因此得出一个不同的预测结果:薪酬结构和管理的满意度会增加以下工作评估的实施,同时福利的满意度不会受到影响。薪酬水平满意度与薪酬的提高可能更会掉以轻心,因为他们可能有一个工作评估系统的二次收益。 第三,很少有研究探讨在工作评价过程中的参与程度如何影响一个新的补偿制度的接受过程。本研究探讨这个问题是通过在工作评估中不同程度的参与度研究员工的薪酬满意度(例如,参加了工作分析,完成调查,审核材料等等)得出最后的假设:由于在薪酬计划 方面员工有更多的参与,他们将在薪酬满意度上相应地增加他们的经验。


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