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1、 1 外文翻译 原文 Evaluative Indicators for Tourism Competitive Information Material source: doi: 10.1007/978-3-7908-2042-3_3 Author: W.-C. Hong Evaluative indicators of tourism competitive information examine three internal dimensions and two external dimensions. Comparative advantages are classified as e

2、xogenous comparative advantages and endogenous comparative advantages. The principal classification criterion is the permanence of those resource endowments among global tourism countries. Thus, resource endowments which cannot be changed by any endogenous factor in the economic system of the corres

3、ponding country, are so-called “exogenous comparative advantages.”Conversely, those resource endowments easily changed by endogenous factors (such as physical/human capital investment, technological innovation, and so on) from correspondent country economic system are so-called “endogenous comparati

4、ve advantages.” Natural resources (including climate, scenery, landscape and minerals) of a destination are seldom changed or improved by scientific advancements. Such endowments include mild climate (e.g., Yunnan, China; Nantou, Taiwan), romantic scenery (e.g., Hangzhou, China; A-Li Mt., Taiwan), a

5、 Karst topography landscape (e.g., Guilin, China) and weathered landscapes (e.g., The Grand Canyon National Park, U.S.). Of course, such endowments are attractive to tourists and are undoubtedly comparative advantages when tourists choose a holiday resort. As mentioned previously, tourism endogenous

6、 comparative advantages contain such resources that can be improved or changed to suit the requirements of a destination for developing competitiveness. Human resources (including education in commerce, training on job, and protection of natural resources) of a destination are the primary representa

7、tive examples. As noted by Arrow (1962), it is important to encourage human capital investment in tourism related operation management, particularly steadily evolving from labor (i.e., efficiently learning by doing or on the job training) while acquiring and accumulating knowledge successfully. It i

8、s useful 2 to enhance endogenous tourism comparative advantages via learning-by-doing activities and specialization processes in tourism related operation management, particularly steadily evolving from labor (education in commerce, training in operation management, and protection of natural resourc

9、es) while acquiring, accumulating knowledge successfully. According to the spillover effect proposed by Lucas (1988), any successful destination attractiveness mode can be delivered to another via exporting these successful knowledge accumulations or by introducing key knowledge applications, so-cal

10、led knowledge resources. Of course, while introducing this successful knowledge accumulation to a new destination (spillover effect occurs), the knowledge resources must be revised to meet the demand of this specific destination. The revision approaches contain, firstly, expanding existed exogenous

11、resources. For example, Disney Company has exported its successful attractiveness mode to Hong Kong and has established branch site in Hong Kong. The popular Disneyland via commercial education courses, tourism resources/facilities, destination managers and employees are integrated into a united org

12、anization. Acquiring expertise in total service (including flowchart, tourists demand, tourists satisfaction, and so on) by providing tourist services should be the core of commercial education courses. Additionally, in accordance with Yang (1994), specialization of employees, training on job, espec

13、ially for their regular operations, would enhance professional efficiency. For instance, while listening attentively to the “Past Anecdotes” of France Royals from the short-fat tourist guide of Chateau de Versailles and Louvre, the most striking impression is, in addition to the detailed commentary,

14、 the personal responsiblility for his job and the pride in his country displayed by the tour guide. The Schumpeter (1912) concept of innovation processes is appropriate for analyzing endogenous comparative advantage caused by technological innovation. Based on the Schumpeter model of innovation proc

15、esses, technological innovation in the tourism service context requires the following elements: operation mode innovation (new services), special events creation (new market) and electronic information resources (new method of services). Operation mode innovation of a destination is always based on

16、its available resources, from its internal total quality management activities, external benchmarking learning and even integrating up stream/downstream businesses as strategic alliance. This process implies that total members of a destination should always optimize their service cycle (standard ope

17、ration procedure) for tourists, and any feasible process for improving projects to 3 provide tourists with more convenient service, and information collection from the same businesses to seek any cooperation opportunity to enhance its disadvantages. Electronic information resources, different from t

18、raditional information providing and transmitting, not only provide immediate information to potential tourists, but also transmit prompt information when tourists start their tourism schedule. These resources include well-designed and stimulating on-line guide to the destination, downloadable guide

19、 map, a transportation timetable querying system, convenient world-wide-web (WWW) network service providing. During the implementation of the above resources, disharmony and fierce competition between the new and old, a diversity of growth rates and profits rates among different sections of a destin

20、ation, and continual reallocation of labor and capital investment activities are expected. On the other hand, a destination can also enhance its. attractiveness via a special events creation process. As Romer (1990) indicated, innovation plays an essential role in translating new knowledge into comm

21、odities with practical value. Therefore, any destination would be inspired by folklore or legend which gives tourists a sense of adventure should organize events to attract potential tourists. An example is the harvest festival inspired the kindly assistance of the Corn Spirit in Britain, The ritual

22、 sacrifice of an animal traditionally represented the continuity of the Spirit. Eventually, the practice led to the Harvest Festival organized by churches beginning in 1843 (The Harvest Festival in the early Autumn in UK). England employed this folklore to create a special event which then became a

23、cultural resource. In fact, almost every special event or celebration epitomizes folklore or legend. This factor is the key to maintaining the competitiveness of a great nation and becomes unshakeable as time goes by. Finally, protection of natural resources ensures the preservation of specific natu

24、ral resources and reveals their deserved comparative advantages from a long-term perspective. Examples are scarce resources like the Great Wall (China) or the Mona Lisa . 译文 旅游竞争信息中的评价指标 资料来源: doi: 10.1007/978-3-7908-2042-3_3 作者: W.-C. Hong 旅游竞争信息中的评价指标研究了三个内搭件和两个外搭件。 比较优势分为外源比较优势和内生的比较优势。在全球旅游业发展国家

25、中,4 原则性分类标准往往产生于资源相对于比较丰富的国家。因此,资源丰富是无法被一些有相应经济体统国家的内生因素所改变的,是所谓的“外源比较优势”。相反地,那些资源丰富的很容易被一些产 生于有相应经济系统国家中的内源性因素(如身体、人力资本投资、技术创新等)所改变,是所谓的“内生比较优势”。 一个目的地的自然资源(包括气候、风景、景观和矿物质)很少通过科技上的进步来改变或提高。这样的天赋包括了温和的气候(例如云南,中国,台湾南投),一个浪漫的场景(如杭州、中国、 A-Li 米,台湾),一个喀斯特地形景观(例如桂林、中国)和饱经风霜的景观(例如大峡谷国家公园,美国)。当然,当游客选择了一个度假胜

26、地,这些天赋对于游客而言是十分有吸引力的,毫无疑问具有很大的竞争性优势。 正如前面所提到的一样,旅游内 生的比较优势包含了可以改变或提升去适应一个发展竞争性优势的旅游目的地的这一类资源。一个目的地的人力资源(包括教育培训、工商工作、保护自然资源)是主要的代表性的例子。值得注意的是由箭( 1962年),在旅游业中涉及到相关运营管理,鼓励人力资本投资,这一点是很重要的,特别是涉及到劳动层面(即稳步发展,高效边做边学或岗位培训),而最终成功获得和积累知识。在旅游相关操作管理过程中,通过learning-by-doing活动和专业化过程培训来提高旅游的内生比较优势,特别是不断演变的劳动(商业上的教育、

27、经营管理、培训保护 自然资源)而成功获取和累积知识。 根据卢卡斯( 1988年)所提出的溢出效应,任何成功目的地的吸引力模式可以传到另一个出口,从而展示一些成功地知识积累或讲解关键的知识运用,所谓的知识资源。当然,当介绍这项成功的知识积累到一个新的目标(溢出效应发生),知识资源必须经过修订来满足一特定旅游目的地的需求。这修订方法,首先,扩大存在域包含外源性资源。例如,迪士尼公司在香港成 功出口了其吸引力模式,并在香港建立了分支点。最受欢迎的迪士尼公司通过商业教育课、旅游资源 /设施、目的地经理和员工,将其整合为一个统一的组织。在这个过程中,通过提供旅游服务来获得一些专业业务(包括流程图、旅游者

28、的需求、游客满意度等),这是商业教育的核心课程。此外,根据阳( 1994),通过专业化员工培训、工商工作,特别是常规操作,会提高专业化效率。例如,从皇家 short-fat法国凡尔赛酒庄和卢浮宫的导游口中听取“过去的奇闻异事”,除了详细评论,个人工作认真、对自己工作的成就感以及以自己国家为傲是最引人注目的印 象。 熊彼特的( 1912年)创新理念过程趋向于分析由技术上的创新引起的内源性比较优势。基于熊彼特的创新模式过程,技术创新在旅游服务中实施需要以5 下几个因素:运作模式创新(新服务),特殊事件创造(新市场)和电子信息资源(新服务方法)。一个目的地的创新运作模式一直是建立在其可用的资源,从它

29、的内部全面质量管理活动、学习和外部分析,甚至整合上游 /下游业务战略同盟。这个过程意味着一个目的地的所有成员应该始终遵循他们的服务周期(服务周期的标准操作程序),对旅游者来说,任何可提升项目的可行过程,如给游客提供更便捷的服务,或 者搜集同一家企业的信息、资源来寻找合作的机会,从而提高其缺点。电子信息资源,不同于传统的信息传输,不仅直接向潜在的旅游者提供信息,而且当旅游者开始他们旅游的行程时,可及时输入和传送游客的信息。这些资源包括精心设计和刺激在线指导到目的地,可下载的引导地图,运输时间表组织,方便万维网( WWW)网络服务提供。在执行过程中,上述资源之间的失调,在新与旧中激烈的竞争,在不同

30、井段终点上的多元化增长率和利润的发生率,持续开展劳动和资本投资活动是在意料之中的事。另一方面,通过特殊事件创造过程,一个目的地的吸引力也能增强。作 为罗默( 1990)表示,创新在融合新知识进入商品的实用价值上起着至关重要的租用。因此,任何旅游目的地被鼓励采用民间传说给游客一种冒险的感觉,从而组织一些事件来吸引潜在的旅游者。例如,收获的节日可激起,如在英国的援助玉米精神。献祭的仪式一般被认定为一种动物的连续性精神。最终,在实践中导致了由教会( 1843年在初秋的英国丰收节)组织的丰收节。英格兰用民间传说来创建一个特殊活动,后来成为了文化资源。事实上,几乎每一件特殊事件或民间传说,缩影传说都可创建一个特殊活动。 这个因素已经成为一个伟大国家保持竞争力的关键, 随着时间的流逝变得更不可动摇。最后,自然资源的保护确保了特殊自然资源的呈现,以及从一个长远的角度和眼光揭示了它们不同的竞争性优势,例如稀缺性资源,像长城(中国)或名画(蒙娜丽莎)。


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