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1、 1 外文翻译 原文 The current enterprise implement ERP system existing problems Material Source: http:/ Author: Friedman Say simply, ERP system is business enterprise resources and computer resources of integrated system, enterprises implement ERP system is a management innovation, is a sino-foreign confli

2、ct, management mode, polymerization process of intersection. Enterprise in the ERP implementation processes involved with business process reengineering also mainly revolves around a few afore-mentioned accounting and material module unfolds, the overall process reorganization is difficult to achiev

3、e. By Group in the early 1990s defines the ERP system, points out ERP system is a according to order to enterprise within the scope of the resources for the planning and of accounting information system, and emphasized ERP system is different from traditional MRP II system, and use of advanced infor

4、mation technology. This is because ERP system across the materials, processing work, equipment, labor and other manufacturing resources of scope, covering the suppliers resources, clients resources, enterprise more plants between multiple distribution site manufacturing resources, the sales resource

5、 of enterprises, the human resources management accounting and resources, equipment maintenance resource management resources beforehand. In addition, ERP system support discrete, flow type mixed manufacturing environment, application range from a manufacturing spread to retailing, service, banking,

6、 telecom night, government agencies and schools sector, through integration of database technology, the graphical user interface, fourth-generation query language, client/server structure, computer aided development tools, portable open system for enterprise resource effectively integrated. Therefor

7、e, simply speaking, ERP system is business enterprise resources and computer resources of integrated system, enterprises implement ERP system is a 2 management innovation, is a sino-foreign conflict, management mode, polymerization process of intersection. Due to the ERP system involves to the enter

8、prise resources and computer, and involves to the enterprise financial receivable meet process, delivery and receiving procedures, customer orders accepted and production processes, single issue inventory procedure, requisition and outbound process enterprise deep business activity, therefore for ER

9、P implementation process to the computer software implementation process and the implementation process management were double monitoring. This requires enterprise should not only to the life cycle of the software implementation itself of demand, plan to achieve, but also for implementing itself cha

10、nge in management monitoring, by taking a typical procedure and documents to drive the project development. Our country enterprise due to the strange and on ERP itself ERP implementation process of the evolution of management model lack of experience, so it is difficult to implement quality checks.

11、Through nearly three years to more than 30 MRPII/ERP application enterprises, more than ten foreign domestic ERP software companys on-site research found that todays China enterprise implement ERP system has the following problems: These are mainly for the following reasons: 1, foreign large vocabul

12、ary set a higher ERP mental threshold. Due to the ERP system is a comprehensive system, from ERP supplier, ERP consulting company, enterprise ERP propaganda, government of ERP push, research units of ERP introduced from different perspective on ERP system and its implementation, and involves the eco

13、nomic interests and commercial secret, so more difficult to provide ERP implementation comprehensively, and explaining the details of ERP system implementation and introduced the books and articles also so few make whole ERP implementation method of research have difficulty. In addition, ERP system

14、gathered around BRP, JIT, CIMS, virtual enterprise, business cooperation process and foreign languages such as large vocabulary, for the majority of enterprise management personnel established mental threshold, psychological fear makes numerous management personnel ERP are very mysterious, so for th

15、e implementation of ERP process is very difficult to grasp. 2, foreign ERP software vendors have very standard ERP implementation method, but difficult to completely close to our country enterprises actual demands and custom process 3 Foreign ERP software companies such as SAP, ORACLE, IFS, QAD and

16、SYMIX etc ERP implementation method very delicate, each phase and process there are specific documentation and deliverable achievements, and steps closely, implementing cycle is long, but in actual execution due to enterprise development quick, implementing advisers have high level, low management l

17、evel of enterprises low and personnel quality is not high, the implementation of funds inadequacy, training for many factors make poor during the implementation of the project in accordance with the prescribed ERP implementation cannot do the implementation of the methods, high cost to make some ERP

18、 project trivial, project carry out thoroughly fail. Therefore, because our country enterprise production planning mode of complex and market uncertainty big, most businesses ERP application mainly is the financial management and management accounting function with best, therefore in the implementat

19、ion of phase of the project is mainly in financial general ledger, accounts payable, management accounting, materials management core module on the implementation of the project, the subsequent difficult to carry out. Enterprise in the ERP implementation processes involved with business process reen

20、gineering also mainly revolves around a few afore-mentioned accounting and material module unfolds, the overall process reorganization is difficult to achieve. 3, domestic numerous ERP enterprise management software vendors have abundant ERP implementation experience, but no scientific standard and

21、the implementation method, reflecting the ERP software company internal management of ERP implementation of the weak and management problems not value. Some small ERP software publishers didnt fully understand the implementation method and the methodology of project management function and position

22、and even think ERP implementation and project management is a concept. Also have certain ERP software vendors have established their ERP implementation method, but because the enterprise internal training deficiency and implement expert lack, to project implementation process critical business activ

23、ity not implement, especially for enterprise old and new business process contrast lack of detailed description, ERP implementation became is mainly to the software technical support, only to ERP software configuration, data initialization, such as the subsequent uplines lifecycle stages processing,

24、 causing project turned into software implementation, without according to manage change, implement increased risk of carelessly a bit leads to the failure of the ERP project. 4 4, ERP software vendors, provide of business process reengineering consulting firms, government departments to provide ERP

25、 service, advocating third party supervision from own point of supervision shangdu published ERP implementation suggestion and experience, but because it cannot comprehensive enterprise see specific implementation cycle, makes the enterprise cant thorough understanding of specific ERP implementation

26、 method and the concrete implementation activity. 译文 当前企业实施 ERP 系统存在的问题 资料来源 : http:/ 作者: 弗里德曼 简单地说, ERP 系统是企业资源和计算机资源的集成化系统,企业实施 ERP系统是一项管理创新工程,是一项中外管理模式互相冲突、交汇、聚合的过程。企业在 ERP 实施过程中涉及到的业务流程重组也主要是围绕上述几个会计和物料模块展开,全面的流程重组还难以实现。 Gartner Group 在 90 年代初期定义了 ERP 系统,指出 ERP 系统是一个根据订单对企业范围内的资源进行规划和财务核算的信息系统,并

27、且强调 ERP 系统不同于传统的 MRP II 系统,而且采用了先进的信息技术。 这是因为 ERP 系统跨越了物料、 加工工作地、设备、劳动力等制造资源的范围,覆盖了供应商的资源、客户资源、企业多个工厂之间的制造资源、多个分销地点的销售资源、企业人力资源、管理会计资源、设备预维修资源等管理资源。此外, ERP 系统支持离散型、流程型等混合制造环境,应用范围从制造业扩散到了零售业、服务业、银行业、电信夜、政府机关和学校等事业部门,通过融合数据库技术、图形用户界面、第四代查询语言、客户服务器结构、计算机辅助开发工具、可移植的开放系统等对企业资源进行了有效的集成。因此,简单地说, ERP 系统是企业

28、资源和计算机资源的集成化系统,企业实施 ERP系统是一项管理创新工程,是一项中外管理模式互相冲突、交汇、聚合的过程。 由于 ERP 系统涉及到企业资源和计算机,而且涉及到企业财务应收应付流程、发货与收货流程、客户订单接受与生产单发放流程、盘点流程、领料与出库流程中企业的深层业务活动,因此对 ERP 实施的过程中要对计算机软件的实施过程以及实施过程中的管理进行双层的监控。这要求企业既要对软件实施本身的生命周期的需求、计划进行实现,同时还要对实施本身的管理变革进行监5 控,以典型的流程和单据来驱动项目的开展。我国企业由于对 ERP 本身的陌生、对 ERP 实施过程的管 理模式的变迁缺乏经验,因此很

29、难对实施质量进行把关。通过近三年对 30 余家 MRPII/ERP 应用企业、十多家中外 ERP 软件公司的实地调查研究,发现当今我国企业实施 ERP 系统存在以下几个问题: 这主要有下面几个原因: ( 1) 外来词汇多设置了较高的 ERP 心理门槛。由于 ERP 系统是一个综合性的系统,从 ERP 供应商、 ERP 咨询公司、企业 ERP 宣传、政府对 ERP 的推动、研究单位对 ERP 的介绍都是从不同的角度来看待 ERP 系统及其实施,而且涉及到经济利益和商业机密,因此较难全面地提供 ERP 实施的详细资料,而且深入浅出介 绍 ERP 系统及其实施的书和文章也很少,因此使得整个 ERP

30、实施方法的研究有难度。此外,围绕 ERP 系统集合了 BRP、 JIT、 CIMS、虚拟企业、协同商务等庞大的新名词和外文词汇,为广大的企业管理人员设立了心理门槛,心理恐惧使得众多的管理人员把 ERP 看得很神秘,因此对于 ERP 实施过程的把握显得非常难。 (2)国外 ERP 软件商有非常规范的 ERP 实施方法 ,但是难以完全贴近我国企业的实际需求和定制过程 国外 ERP 软件公司如 SAP、 ORACLE、 IFS、 QAD、 SYMIX 等的 ERP 实施方法非常细致,每个阶段和过程都 有具体的文档和可交付的成果,而且步骤严密、实施周期长,但是在实际执行过程中由于企业发展快、实施顾问水

31、平有高有低、企业管理水平的低落和人员素质不高、实施经费不足、培训不力等众多因素使得项目执行中不能按照规定的 ERP 实施方法做,高昂的实施成本使得某些 ERP 项目避重就轻,项目的彻底实施落空。 因此,由于我国企业的生产计划模式的复杂以及市场的不确定性大,多数企业的 ERP 应用主要是财务管理和管理会计的功能用得最好,因此在实施过程中一期工程主要是在财务总帐、应收应付、管理会计、物料管理等核心模块的实施上,后续的二期工 程难以开展。企业在 ERP 实施过程中涉及到的业务流程重组也主要是围绕上述几个会计和物料模块展开,全面的流程重组还难以实现。 (3)国内众多 ERP 企业管理软件商有丰富的 E

32、RP 实施经验 ,但无科学规范的实施方法,反映出 ERP 软件公司内部管理的薄弱和对 ERP 实施中的管理问题不重视。有的小型 ERP 软件商没有充分理解实施方法和项目管理方法的作用和地位,甚至认为 ERP 实施和项目管理是一个概念。还有某些 ERP 软件商设立了自己的 ERP 实施方法,但是由于企业内部培训不足和实施能手缺乏,对于项目实施过程中的关键业务活动没有落实, 尤其是对企业新旧业务流程的对比缺乏详细的描述, ERP 实施变成了主要是对软件的技术支持,仅仅针对 ERP软件的配置、数据初始化、上线等生命周期中的后续阶段进行处理,导致项目6 变成了软件实施,而没有针对管理进行变革,实施的风险增加,稍有不慎就导致 ERP 项目的失败。 (4)ERP 软件商、提供业务流程重组的咨询公司、政府部门提供的 ERP 服务、倡导第三方监督的监理商都从自己的角度发表 ERP 实施建议和经验,但是企业由于不能全面看到具体的实施周期,使得企业不能深入了解具体的 ERP 实施方法和具体实施活动。


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